This 'animation' was made by Canadian filmmaker…
'Sexoholism' recognized as a serious mental disorder
Being 'badly horny' is becoming an equivalent to alcoholism, gambling and drug abuse. It's been officially stated in ASAM report ( American Society of Addiction Medicine) on August 15, 2011 (с) : «This definition says that addiction is about functioning and brain circuitry and how the structure and function of the brains of persons with addiction differ from the structure and function of the brains of persons who do not have addiction. It talks about reward circuitry in the brain and related circuitry, but the emphasis is not on the external rewards that act on the reward system. Food, sexual behaviors and gambling behaviors can be associated with the pathological pursuit of rewards described in this new definition of addiction.»
"Hypersexuality, by itself, is a symptom of hypomania and mania in bipolar disorder and schizoaffective disorder, as defined in the DSM-IV-R.»
Sexoholism is not quite the same meaning as it goes with hypersexual maniacal deviation for males (satyriasis) and females (nymphomania)
According to World Health Organization that produces the International Classification of Diseases (ICD), it also is to be recognized as kind of maniacal disorder including "excessive sexual drive" as it is in diagnosis codes (code F52.7) both for males and females.
The term 'sexoholism' should not mean hormonal + genetically-conditioned factor as it is with more widely interpreted 'hypersexuality' and does mean "an excessive uncontrollable wish of having intercourse or feeling aroused with thinking of intercourse that may be taken in one or other way of satisfaction".
The fact that sexoholism often with voyeurism + exhibitionism has been determined as a problem, issues from numerous psychiatric reports, complaints and statistic data taken from people for which it has become an obsession problem. World-wide famous persons like Tiger Woods or home porn amateurs from showbiz strars to just ordinary men or women, are said to encounter sudden uncontrollable + ambivalent emotions like sociopathic anger, panic fear, poor memory, quick change of behavior etc. Sexoholism consuming nerve cells, time and money, destroying family life + hampers work career.
Citing ABC news article:
«Reports of alleged sexual encounters in a church parking lot, after watching a Tom Hanks movie, and with two porn stars, a lingerie model and a breakfast waitress – among others – were quickly followed this week by headlines and talk-show guests wondering aloud if the world's No. 1 golfer, Tiger Woods, is a "sex addict."
The jury is still out on whether Woods is addicted to sex, psychologists told ABC, explaining that such a diagnosis requires several criteria, including determining if he can control his urges, and whether not having sex makes him anxious.
"There are a lot of people out there calling him a sex addict," said Judy Kuriansky, a psychologist and sex expert at Columbia University. "But you have to ask is this really the behavior of an addict, or this the behavior of a very rich, powerful, celebrity, man, who has been given lots of opportunities?"
Ironically, if Woods declares himself an addict, it might prove to be the one path to redemption, Kuriansky said.
"Once you medicalize it, once you call it 'sex addiction' then the guy has an excuse; he gets a pass," said Kuriansky, author of "The Idiot's Guide to a Healthy Relationship."
"Years ago, if you called someone a sex addict, that would be big shame. But now someone can hold up that diagnosis and say, 'I can't control my behavior.' Then he goes into rehab and the public gives him a pass," she said.
Several celebrities, including actors Michael Douglas and David Duchovny, have admitted to being sex addicts and have sought treatment.
In the days since Woods wrecked his car early on the morning of Nov. 27 outside his Florida home, sparking rumors of marital problems and a flood of allegations of marital infidelities, tabloids have claimed the golfer engaged in affairs with at least 11 women.
Steamy details have emerged from some of the women who have admitted to dalliances with the wealthy golfer, including the recent publication of a series of text messages in which Woods allegedly planned meetings with 24-year-old waitress Jamiee Grubbs and asked her to "send something very naughty."
Another woman, Mindy Lawton, 33, a waitress at a diner near Woods' home in Orlando, told British tabloid News of the World that the golfer had an insatiable sex drive.
"He had such a big sex drive and wanted it fulfilled," Lawton told the paper. "Sometimes I looked like a rag doll after we'd made love," she said. "He really did like it quite rough. He wanted to spank me and loved pulling my hair as we had sex. He also liked me to talk dirty to him, but hair-pulling was what really turned him on."
Sex addiction is one way to explain Woods' behavior, but it is not the only one, said sport psychologist Richard Lustberg.
Woods' affairs are not that unusual for any man, but particularly not that unusual for a professional athlete, he said.
"Men will be men," he said. "Well-to-do men who can afford a certain lifestyle, travel this way – there is gambling, eating, and, of course, women. There are businesses that cater to them specifically," he said.
"But there is also a certain culture among professional athletes. They're on the road for months out of the year, and they're constantly being exposed to a multitude of opportunity. They're constantly going from city to city – sometimes, they hang out in the hotel, and sometimes they go to clubs," he said."
It would not be right not to say that people realizing that they are mentally ill with sexoholism are
indifferent or unwilling to cure it. Quite the reverse.
Ship of fools, II
'Ship of fools' is an antipode to 'council of wizards'. Coined in 15th century as an allegory - due to the book with the same name by Sebastian Brant, lashing badly religious hypocrites. Later on, IMO, it became inverted into the reversal conception of a spontaneous lifestyle + learning free of speculative dogmas, purely through sensibility without ability of sense.

The goal is not important, the process of getting the goal is of more importance. That's why that in numerous fairy tales and stories about 'fool' where they suddenly reaching happiness, welfare, social ranking etc. - the context is not the fact they have got it due to their attempts + wishes to do, but despite of it. That's also why that 'fools' look as they are not quite aware about what they've got. It is like happiness without awareness of it, or simulation of happiness like that of someone's drunk who actually doesn't sincerely care about it.
Being foolish means being insane ( or to seem insane) to get rid of the previous speculative experience, which, you feel it inside, is like a foreign material had been implanted in you previously, but never became native to your body. The fact that you feel it alien is more important than what this implant of information means to your sense.
'Ship of fools' became a modern mythologem, grew out of the anti-logical satiric allegory into a simulacrum of 'being foolish' = to enjoy with what you're learning now of own free will, that more that you have to learn, in order to enjoy later. The result of such experience may be contradictory, but truly your own, not forced from outside.
….. then, probably, the language of symbols 'the fool' uses may be like one of Arthur Rimbaud'd in 'Le bateau ivre' ( The Drunk Boat)
"Je sais les cieux crevant en éclairs, et les trombes
Et les ressacs, et les courants: je sais le soir,
L'Aube exaltée ainsi qu'un peuple de colombes,
Et j'ai vu quelquefois ce que l'homme a cru voir!
J'ai vu le soleil bas, taché d'horreurs mystiques,
Illuminant de longs figements violets,
Pareils à des acteurs de drames très-antiques
Les flots roulant au loin leurs frissons de volets!"

Learning things at-fly without preliminary preconceptions and without being based on a-posteriori information, is a key motive of all these stories. In fact, it resembles Christ's saying "don’t be proud, become like children" - that's exactly about method to get non-docrtinated conceptions of something from zero cycle of previous information. It had been told before Husserl's approach in phenomenology. Therefore, aside of further scholastic speculative method, 'raw knowledge' was assumed to be accurate first.
We all are passengers on the ship drifting with the stream in Time-Space Ocean. Probably some one of us is aware well of the course taken, other not. Someone came to the ship with only desire to reach an harbour he or she had been dreaming of. Other doesn't care about the point of destination, 'cause the journey is far more important that the goal it implies… Isn't it?)
+ a song 'First Evening' taken from the album 'Sahara Blue' composed in commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of author Arthur Rimbaud, by Hector Zazou + all the lyrics in this album are Rimbaud's poetry.
An amazing Bach's performance for vocal by Andreas…

Andreas Scholl was born 10 November 1967 in Germany. He is a countertenor, a classical singer in the alto vocal. Andreas is one of the greatest experts in Baroque music.
The composition was taken from the album "Bach: Cantatas For Alto, BWV 35, 54 & 170"Harmonia Mundi

Ship of fools, I

If to deepen far into our past, it is hard to say what was the first famous 'fool' to be a category quite agreeable to the above standards…Maybe someone of ancient Egypt or Sumer that we don't know. But we know a men who corresponds this cliche from Greece. Diogenes the Cynic. The most memorable stories in his life is are, IMO, two; first, an absolute indifference to people that had reached a peak both in career and public opinion as Alexander the Great - to all the rest he is a hero and half-deity, to Diogenes he is an ordinary man that isn't worth much respect.
The second is a story with searching for an honest man within a broad daylight, by using a lantern – and this is a bit symbolic. 'Honesty' is exactly 'what as thing is' and the latern as the image may be interpreted as an additional tool giving the light of clear not-aposteriori-comprehended knowledge.

Sometimes the irreparable change of behavior appeared with no rhyme or reason with sane people, led to the new, quite strange image of them - outsiders obviously could see that instead of his/her sanity ( that had been put on one scale) he/she gain a lot of the foresaid, often supernatural abilities. Whether is it a simulation of the insanity or true insanity – the border between the first and the second is often indiscernible.
From earlier medieval ages up to 20th century 'fools' were regarded as dwelt with God-given gifts as a compensation for their virtual insanity. But it was insanity for God's sake, according to words of apostle Paul that all believing in Christ are a kind of insane, for it disproofs any speculative knowledge: "For the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God." (1 Cor. 1:18) . Especially, more distinctive it was seen in Russia in the persons called 'yurodivy', madmen for Christ's sake.

Also the visibly insane behavior was partly seen in Middle East countries, among some wings of dervish societies, who used a spiritual practice driven into ecstasies.

However, Nasreddin Hodja as no one else comes up to a definition of of 'fool' as a jester, buffon and a representer of 'alternative' wisdom.

caixa de guerra ( a snare drum, in Portuguese 'box of war'. Caixa creates a secondary rhythms in batucada sets)

pandeiro ( a medium sized drum 12')

agogo ( a double metal cowbell with a flexible handle)

rocar ( a metal frame with many jingles: it sets in motion with intensive shaking and it sounds very loud)

repinique (a kettle drum, covered with nylon at both ends.)

surdo ( in Portuguese this word means "deaf": the sound of this drum having very deep bass + heads at both ends. Surdo sets a main rhythm in batucada performance)

Batucada style has its origin in African ( supposedly from Angola) manner of drumming, partly in drumming styles came from Iberian peninsula.
This is one of most amazing amateur permormance that I saw.These ones are not professional artists, but ordinary people spending time in one of Brazilian cafes.
Batucada is a perfect way to feel relaxed. Vibrations that drums create are very positive to mental and physical health. That is, IMO, Brazilian people are one of few in the world who in least degree suffer of depression. In Brasil, both in big cities and small towns, one can see a group of 3-5 people with drums – it is sufficient that soon you see that it gradually growing into a crowd up to a hundred men drumming and dancing)
Decartes vs Ecclesiastes

Decartes by proclaiming “I think therefore I am” launched a race for having more speculative knowledge that boosted our technological progress in science but either regress in “I-am” determination, for, in contrast it, as Ecclesiastes said that “in much wisdom is much grief; and he that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow”. Socrates told next that “he knows nothing”. Two latest statements highlight a quirky idea of true criterion of wisdom as an awareness of vanity of any personal wisdom. It might explicate roughly that the “true wizard” ( i.e. person who HAD already accumulated a great amount of speculative knowledge + profound life experience on which it had been tried – in order to use it to be a weapon or armour-like to any everyday life challenge) is, actually, a fool ( i.e. man who has neither knowledge nor life experince = by ipso facto highliting a value of current at-fly knowledge as a basic in the scale of priorities, i.e. a value of process of learning, than result of learning.

So what an amazingly symbolic scene below, when a maitre of academic excellency suddenly's revealing his alter-ego: turns into a half-drunk quasi-pantheistic free-thinker by speaking that in situation like one - dream in night time, - we driven by none of our scientific luggage, but our sunconscious as being primarily “homo” then next “sapiens”, not vice versa:
“Science? Nonsense! In this situation mediocrity and genius are equally useless! I must tell you that we really have no desire to conquer any cosmos. We want to extend the Earth up to its borders. We don't know what to do with other worlds. We don't need other worlds. We need a mirror. We struggle to make contact, but we'll never achieve it. We are in a ridiculous predicament of man pursuing a goal that he fears and that he really does not need. Man needs man!” © Dr.Snaut
Man of Science vs Man of Faith, I
I thought cautiously: we have grown so exceedingly arrogant + proud of summa summarum of our achievement in technology that completely forgot the fact that each of us is a primarily product of organic matter including our brain activity that, in its turn, depends of the work of heart system. So any artificial mind that might be ever invented sure would be owed to the biological ground, as no mental activity prompted without neuronal stimuli. So before to think forward, we feel a contradiction between the previous thought. We are alive, not mechanic. Kind of intelligent animals called humans zoo-logically pertaining to primates, having the same genetic and emotional patterns in behavior as ours.

Can artificial models of self-learning processes be effective by using other method of empirical cognition than those that is in human neural system? No, it seems.
Thats why structure of ANN as an ideal (self ) cognitive method in fact is a copy that in human physiology.

Absolute majority of us are idealists. If not in earlier years then later. We wanted to know and we had to. But suddenly on moment X of one's personal life, it is found that our science is a more a process than a goal. Actually we don't need it. What more paradoxic, we apprehend it intuitively long before every conscious act we try.
Discovered an amazing Spanish jazz guitar player…

Susana was born in in Córdoba (Andalucia, Spain). She began to study in the Conservatory of Music of Córdoba, where took a degree in classical guitar, and made several courses with Leo Brouwer, Robert Ramsley, Afonso Pais etc.
She took part in many jazz festitvals, where she was distinguished for her performace and awarded as:
FIRST PRIZE "International Jazz Singers Contest Nomme Jazz", Tallinn, Estonia 2006
- SECOND PRIZE "International Jazz Singers Contest Lady Summertime", Finland 2006
- THIRD PRIZE "International Jazz Soloist Competition", Monaco 2007.
- Finalist "International Massimo Urbani Award" (Italy), 2006
- "Best Spanish G
Susana sings songs in Spain, Portuguese and English. Here is, IMHO, one of best performance of " Oceano" written by a Brasilian compouser Djavan.
Here is a new project Susana Raya & Antonella Mazza
2 Zlatko in open
So none algorithms and semantic matrix may be applied to decrypting it. I know many zealots amongst mathematicians and cryptolinguists would eat me alive for these words as they have not yet lost the hope of being awarded to Nobel for this. Nevertheless, I am sure it is actually impossible to do.
First, to all who reading it, what Voynich manuscript is.
" The year is 1912. The successful dealer in old books Wilfrid M. Voynich acquires a number of priceless mediaeval manuscripts from an undisclosed location in Europe. Among these is a parchment codex of 234 pages, written in an unknown script. The manuscript is profusely illustrated, with drawings, among others, of plants and astronomical patterns. It appears to be a scientific work from the middle ages, but due to its unknown script, the contents are a complete mystery.

Voynich took the MS to the United States and started a campaign to have its text deciphered. Now, almost 100 years later, the Voynich manuscript still stands as the most elusive enigma in the world of cryptography. Not a single word of this 'Most Mysterious Manuscript', written probably in the first half of the 15th Century, can be understood.
Attached to the manuscript was a letter in Latin dated 1666 from Johannes Marcus Marci of Kronland, once rector of the Charles University of Prague, to the learned Jesuit Athanasius Kircher in Rome, offering the manuscript for translation and mentioning that it had once been bought by Emperor Rudolf II of Bohemia (1552-1612) for 600 gold ducats. The letter further mentioned that it was believed that the author of the MS was Roger Bacon (the Franciscan friar who lived from 1214 to 1294).
Another early owner of the MS was identified by Voynich when, on the lower margin of the first folio, under special illumination, the erased signature of Jacobus de Tepenec was found. Tepenec was one of Emperor Rudolf's courtiers and the director of his botanical gardens and he must have owned the manuscript between 1608, when he received his title "de Tepenec", and 1622, when he died. The MS has changed hands sevetal times, and apart from some minor gaps in our knowledge its path from the court of Rudolf II to its final resting place, the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library of Yale University, can be traced fairly accurately.

The MS became famous when, in the 1920's, William Romaine Newbold proposed a spectacular decipherment with which he meant to prove that it was indeed written by Roger Bacon, and that Bacon had not only dreamt of, but actually built microscopes and telescopes.

When this 'solution' of the MS was disproven by John M. Manly in 1931, the MS gradually became a pariah in world of mediaeval studies. In the 1940's and 1960's the eminent cryptanalyst William F. Friedman made several valiant attempts at deciphering the MS, aided by groups of experts, but also he did not find any solution. (с)
Take a detailed look now on a attempts that had been tried to decrypt it. Read:
“When Newbold first attacked the MS for decipherment, he realized that he needed to find a key which would allow him to understand how the MS was enciphered. On the last page of the MS was written a single sentence:
“michiton oladabas multos te tccr cerc portas”
Disregarding the obvious nulls used in the sentence (ton ola tetccr cerc) and exchanging the “o” in “multos” for “a”, the intelligible Latin sentence emerges:
“michi dabas multas portas”
translating into English, “To me thou gavest many gates.”
Counting the number of letters in the sentence reveals it to be 22. Newbold then adapted the Latin alphabet to it omitting the letter “k”, replacing “x” with “v” and produced the first form of the cipher alphabet used by Bacon:
m i c h i d a b a s m u l t a s p o r t a s
a b c d e f g h i l m n o p q r s t u v y z
Here is what makes Newbold’s qualifications for decipherment of the MS so felicitous. Newbold understood that a major clue was to be found in the word “portas”, in that its interpreted cabalistic meaning of “gates” would be the secret to the clarification of the Key. Newbold knew that Bacon was well acquainted with the Cabala and would have used such a plan in his Key, for in Bacon’s Epistle on the Nullity of Magic, where he details several ciphering systems, the sixth such system is called, “The Kabbalah of the Nine Chambers”. From Newbold’s footnotes we find the following:
“In Cabalistic philosophy the universe consists of God’s
thought; thought is expressed in speech; speech is composed of
letters; hence the Letters are the ultimate constituents of Things.
The ”gates” are the 231 biliteral combinations of the Hebrew
Ietters (doubles omitted; 231 permutated pairs added by later
writers); they represent the primary combinations of the highest
manifestations of the divine Being which are at once the forces
which make other things, the material of which they are made, and
the channels through which the divine energy streams forth into
the lower world. A single quotation from the Sepher Yezirah, will
He combined (the Letters), weighed them, exchanged them,
Aleph with all and all with Aleph, Beth with all and all with Beth,
and they go (each) all the way around (the Alphabet). And they are
found (comprised) in 231 gates, and everything formed and
everything uttered is found to proceed from one Name.”
off-top : this text unwillingly reminded me a scene from Aronofsky's “Pi” with a cliché conception of a physical world digitally administered, with an only difference in key number 215 vs 231
Thus, “gates” not only implies a cipher of many steps, but it reveals that the gates are the channels through which alphabetic values are conveyed from Key Sentence to the 484(admitting doubled letters) biliteral symbols.
With the Key now in hand, Newbold began to approach the actual text of the MS. With more cabalistic associations appearing, Newbold discovered 22 distinct symbols, among these 22 were recognized the 15 signs that composed the Greek system of shorthand. Bacon was quite familiar with this Greek system, having written a grammar including such information, and reading from the eighth chapter of Bacon’s Epistle on the Nullity of Magic, we will find the great significance he placed on secret writing, and particular reference to the shorthand system:
“The man is insane who writes a secret in any other way than one
which will conceal it from the vulgar and make it intelligible only
with difficulty even to scientific men and earnest students. On this
point the entire body of scientific men have been agreed from the
outset, and by many methods have concealed from the vulgar all
secrets of science. For some have concealed many things by
magic figures and spells, others by mysterious and symbolic
words. For example, Aristotle in the Book of Secrets says to
Alexander, ‘O Alexander, I wish to show you the greatest secret of
secrets; may the Divine Power help you to conceal the mystery
and to accomplish your aim. Take therefore the stone which is not
a stone and is in every human being and in every place and at
every time, and it is called the Egg of the Philosophers, and
Terminus of the Egg.’ Innumerable examples of the kind are to be
found in many books and divers sciences, veiled in such
terminology that they cannot be understood at all without a
teacher. The third method of concealment which they have
employed is that of writing in different ways, for example, by
consonants alone, so that no one can read it unless he knows the
words and their meanings. In this way the Hebrews and the
Chaldaeans and Syrians and Arabs write their secrets. Indeed, as
a general thing, they write almost everything in this way, and
therefore among them, and especially among the Hebrews.
Important scientific knowledge lies hidden. For Aristotle in the
book above mentioned says that God gave them all scientific
knowledge before there were any philosophers, and that from the
Hebrews all nations received the first elements of philosophy. .. .
In the fourth place, concealment is effected by commingling letters
of various kinds; it is in this way that Ethicus the astronomer
concealed his scientific knowledge by writing it in Hebrew, Greek,
and Latin letters in the same written line. In the fifth place, certain
persons have achieved concealment by means of letters not then
used by their own race or others but arbitrarily invented by
themselves; this is the greatest obstacle of all, and Artephiushas
employed it in his book On the Secrets of Nature. In the sixth
place, people invent not characters like letters, but geometrical
figures which acquire the significance of letters by means of
points and marks differently arranged; these likewise Artephius
has used in his science. In the seventh place, the greatestdevice
for concealment is that of shorthand, which is a method of noting
and writing down as briefly as we please and as rapidly as we
desire; by this method many secrets are written in the books of the
Latin-using peoples. I have thought fit to touch upon these
methods of concealment because I may perhaps, by reason of the
importance of my secrets, employ some of these methods, and it
is my desire to aid in this way, at least you, to the extent of my
The other 7 shorthand signs of Newbold’s discovery all fit the same general character of the first 15, and were used by Bacon to fill out the Greek shorthand, which was lacking expression.
Newbold continued by employing the biliteral method to the converted shorthand, and found that frequency analysis of the resultant alphabet revealed it to be characteristic of Latin. The final stage in the process of decipherment was the anagramming process. The process of anagramming texts was probably the most popular method of the day used for concealing messages, and the necessity of concealment was due to political or ecclesiastical reasons of the time, making the information unpropitious for pronouncement. It is known that the Cabalists were professed anagrammatists, and the third part of their art ? themuru (changing) dealt with transposition and recombination of the letters of words for mystical interpretation. The fact that it was also a tradition among the “orders” can be witnessed in the works of von Bingen, and certainly in the Abbe N. De Montfaucon De Villars’ “Comte De Gabalis” (Quodtanto impendio absconditur etiam solummodo demonstrare destruereest – Tertullian). It was even continued with the likes of Galileo (Haec immatura a me jam frustra leguntur – oy), Tycho Brahe (who also was at the court of Rudolph), Johannes Kepler, and many others.
At last, the plain text began to emerge, and without going too far afield for the letters of anagrammed text. The letters to be rearranged occurred in pairs next to one another, either indirect or reverse order, and only relatively infrequently did Newbold have to go as far as three or four words ahead in order to fill in the plaintext.
What Newbold discovered in the text was absolutely astonishing? enough to gather a lot of attention from the scientific community. The biological drawings in the text were described asseminiferous tubes, the microscopic cells with nuclei, and even spermatozoa. Among the astronomical drawings were the descriptions of spiral nebulae, a coronary eclipse, and the comet of 1273. One of the more baffling things about this was that many of the drawings of plants, and of the galaxies appeared to have been invented. There was no doubt that if Bacon were the author of such a text, he must have had some way of obtaining the information. For instance, Newbold’s translation of the caption near the drawing of the nebula of Andromeda (which clearly shows its spiral characteristics), gave its location by the following:
“In a concave mirror I saw a star in the form of a snail….between the
navel of Pegasus, the girdle of Andromeda, and the head of Cassiopea”.
Now, Bacon is credited with the invention of the magnifying glass, but it should be certain that he did not invent the telescope or the microscope as many at the time of this discovery conjectured. The “concave mirror” is probably the single most important clue here. Many of the later prominent Renaissance figures would not only describe similar visions of travel to distant places, several also included such “shewstones” as their viewing apparatus. In the works of Dee, Kircher, and even the more famous Nostradamus, one will find reference to such a device, and in each case these individuals recorded the experience of visions associated with it. Some of their descriptions were later proven to be precise. The actual knowledge pertaining to the use of a device such as this is probably now lost, but in any case it is most worthy of mention considering the circumstances. Let us now turn to some of the objections to Newbold’s decipherment of the MS.
Initially, upon the announcement of his findings in1921, Newbold received some praise for his work. Even John M. Manly, a military intelligence cryptanalyst, wrote a favourable review in Harper’s Magazine. But, this was not to last very long, and soon the attacks proceeded. The first of such attacks came from research chemists who stated that the rough vellum surface upon which the MS was written had caused the ink to break up into spots and shadings with age. This break up of characters, they stated, was what Newbold had actually seen when deciphering the shorthand characters.
This criticism that the ink had merely broken up into spots and shadings due to age was unfounded due to the fact that many documents nearly as aged as the Voynich MS, with comparable ink, do not display cracking similar to the individual characters in the MS. Also, if the arrangement of characters was due to this breaking up of the ink, certainly more than 22 individual shorthand symbols would have been discovered by Newbold.
The next attack was concerned with the biliteral method of Newbold’s decipherment. Cryptographers stated that by Newbold’s methods, Bacon could not have enciphered the text to begin with. But, Newbold clearly detailed the enciphering process, and revealed that Bacon did not use “orthodox” methods of enciphering to which the cryptographers were accustomed.
Attacked most heavily of all was the anagramming process Newbold used. These detractors maintained that one could anagram any text into anything one chose, and that this method would not have followed the qualifications of a “good” cipher, in that the first quality of any “good” cipher is that it must convey its message with absolute certainty. Newbold’s anagramming process did NOT use “blocks of 55 to 110 characters”, as had been put forth by these detractors, on the contrary, it can be shown from his own notes that he was very careful in his observations:
“The only indication that the recomposition is correct is the regular
appearance, at intervals of NOT more than three or four words, of
letter groups suggesting words appropriate, in syntax and logic, to
the preceding text. If they fail to appear, if one is driven to
arbitrary choice in order to make sense, the recomposition is
probably wrong.”
I have observed this misrepresentation of facts of Newbold’s decipherment in a number of works (David Kahn’s gigantic work titled The Codebreakers immediately comes to mind) and find it quite an admonition to any other statements made by such authors. The fact that his detractors used such methods to anagram texts into any messages they seemed fit ? designed to expose flaws in Newbold’s decipherment ? is clearly disinformation. Newbold, by HIS method, equally tried other texts of the period including works of Bacon which were not meant to be in cipher, and while he could form Latin words for a time, he was soon left with unmanageable groups of consonants, and discontinued the experiment, as Latin requires between 40 and 50 percent vowels.
It wasn’t until after Newbold’s death in 1926 that more serious assaults would come. In 1931 John Manly (who earlier gave praise) published a 47 page article in Speculum Magazine of what he called “a detailed analysis” that attempted to make Newbold’s work seem entirely worthless. But many more would hinge their deprecations on Newbold’s interpretation of the drawings contained in the MS. Most said that the biological pictures were cabalistic (they certainly were!), symbolical, vague, and capable of various interpretations. I must note that I personally have given these biological drawings to persons well credentialed in the field of Biology, and asked them to give me an explanation of what they see in them. In every instance, and without any prior knowledge of the MS, they have given descriptions that very closely resemble the deciphered interpretations of Newbold.
Other assailants made particular note of the drawing that represented the nebula Andromeda. Based on the fact that the spiral nebula in Andromeda lies edge on to earthly observers, Bacon would have had to have an incredibly powerful telescope to view such a thing. But, as we have noted, no one was really claiming that he did.
It may be deduced from these painstaking onslaughts that maybe these assailants felt it was necessary to hide the true nature of the work. In Manly’s 1931 article, he blatantly reveals his real concerns with the warning to all that, “these results (of Newbold’s) threaten to falsify to no unimportant degree, the history of human thought.” Kahn, in The Codebreakers, devotes several pages to the MS decipherment, and groups Newbold into a category he later describes as oddballs and lunatics who believe in such things as water witching.
Of course, the depreciated Newbold decipherment did not discourage others from attempting to figure out the MS, and a few of the arguments put forward may have been somewhat conceivable. In 1944, Professor Hugh O’Neil, a botanist at the Catholic University of America, offered evidence that the MS could not have been written before 1493. He observed that the drawings in the MS include the likes of the common sunflower, and Capsicum, both plants native to the Americas which according to him, were unknown to Europeans before the return of Columbus from his second voyage. We needn’t go into the Columbus discovery here, as historically it is well known that he was hardly the first to venture to the Americas.
Not long after O’Neil’s observations, Dr. Leonell Strong, a cancer research scientist and amateur cryptographer, took on the project of deciphering the MS. Fancifully boasting that he could “unravel” the secret of any cipher, Strong said that the solution to the MS cipher was a “peculiar double system of arithmetical progressions of a multiple alphabet”. Even here, there was a great similarity to Newbold’s system, but Strong altogether bombastically stated that the plaintext revealed the MS to be written by the 16th century English author Anthony Ascham, whose works include A Little Herbal, published in 1550. Although the MS does contain one section resembling an herbal, it is unknown where the author of A Little Herbal would have obtained such literary and cryptographic knowledge.
The speculation of William F. Friedmann, another military cryptographer, was that the MS was actually a text in an artificial language, and may have held some merit if it were not for the fact that he was also responsible, and instrumental in the demolition of Newbold’s theory (again, after Newbold’s death). But, he, too never went any further than this simple hypothesis. Many others have invented their own versions of decipherment of the MS, but all of them fall short of making anything intelligible out of the mysterious characters. To the cryptographic orthodoxy, the MS is still “undeciphered”. I believe many have merely taken the disparaging words of others as proof that the Newbold solution is bogus, without actually examining the specifics. Had Newbold been an amateur with nothing but this decipherment for credentials, it would certainly raise some doubt. But, Newbold indeed practised his techniques on similar manuscripts such as the Tironian signs of the so-called Vatican Document (which I won’t detail here as it would necessitate the space of an entire article in itself) and many others.
It is most probable though, that the Voynich MS actually cost Newbold his health, both physically and mentally .In the latter days of his work on the MS he began to grow weary and would often restructure his entire method without any sense of reason. Still, the heart of Newbold’s inspiration lies in his initial work on the MS, and there has not been anyone since who has even come close to the original genius of his solution to “the most mysterious manuscript in the world”.
In 2004 an English professor Gordon Rugg by usung Grill method is supposed to cracked a Voynich code, then announced it to be a pseudo-meaningful, showing a persuasive proof of how it may be traced.
But I don't think that numerous next more persuasive proofs may stop such enthusiastic guys like you Zlatko.
Deadlest machine gun
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O Aleph marca a volta de Paulo Coelho às origens. Num relato pessoal franco e surpreendente, ele revela como uma grave crise de fé o levou a sair à procura de um caminho de renovação e crescimento espiritual.
Para se reaproximar de Deus, o mago resolve começar tudo de novo: viajar, experimentar, se reconectar às pessoas e ao mundo. E assim, entre março e julho de 2006, guiado por sinais, visita três continentes – Europa, África e Ásia –, lançando-se em uma jornada através do tempo e do espaço, do passado e do presente, em busca de si mesmo.
Ao longo da viagem, Paulo vai, pouco a pouco, saindo do seu isolamento, se despindo do ego e do orgulho e se abrindo à amizade, ao amor, à fé e ao perdão, sem medo de enfrentar os desafios inerentes à vida.
Da mesma maneira que o pastor Santiago em O alquimista, o escritor descobre que é preciso ir para longe a fim de compreender o que está perto. A peregrinação o faz se sentir vivo novamente, capaz de enxergar o mundo com olhos de criança e de encontrar Deus nos pequenos gestos cotidianos. ©
Obrigado por tudo. E para uma foto. Natal e otimo. Nao me canso de admirar esta cidade, limpo, acolhedor e surpreendentemente belo.
Se você ler isso, eu quero que você saiba que eu estou dizendo isso sinceramente.
Envio o meu mais gentil que se refere à Felicia e para seus filhos.) Deus te abençoe.
Bom tempo) É o seu favorito Azymuth.
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Nor whence, like Water willy-nilly flowing:…
And out of it, as Wind along the Waste,
I know not whither, willy-nilly blowing.
© Omar Khayyam
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Actually, what we know at present is so miserable + we so pathetically small into Universe, that our smugness looks like of that of a cockroach that imagined it knows world in full as his antennae are best feeder ever…Only cockroaches may make raids + be so disrespectfuly brazen to "conquer"
this scenario is happening everywhere.
And you ain't going to nirvana or far-vana,
you're coming right back here to live out your karma.
With even more drama than previously, seriously.
© Faithless
Say, need to get the knot undone…
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Everyone lies, said Bertie...sorry, Dr. House…
As it could be traced in numerous books & movie, well-done swindling always had a bit of double and controversial evaluation in people's mind - the resentment first ( often after we ourselves have experienced it ), and an astonishment, second, of those who have not normally experienced it. It may explain, to some extent, the sympathy of potential victims to a character which, having a chance, would have victimized them without a single scruple. This could partly explain why successful + talented fictional criminals ( often having their real prototypes) are always felt sympathized for the artistry of swindling from that part of public who saw it in books or in movies, but unlikely would feel the same were it directed toward them.
Most phenomenal thing is, I think, when persons who previously had been badly suffered as a victim of any criminal action - and , moreover, are fighting it now due to some convictions, motive or duties – well, they paradoxically may feel delighted of mastership of criminal actions like these they actually had experienced …It is curious doubly when a criminal starts feeling the same sympathy to his enemy who, he/she knows, is to detect and reveal what he/she has commited. So they both start to respect and sympathize each other the more the longer their fight lasts, but… IS it virtually the fight, not a sophisticated theatrical performance to mutual enjoyment? Like one of two kung fu masters who are founders of two different schools, having different methods of fighting –that's why they need each other to demonstrate each other their skills as before they had been trained exactly to neutralize each other like + and -. Without one's life there is no point of other's…
I tnink it is an alter-ego manifestation of these types of personalities:
it could be happened the way that on a certain time span both of them had 50/50 propensity to good and evil, then, due to some event the equilibrium got shaken and one of them got a ever hero, another a malefactor. All of it happened in some moment X of both life cycle , so now they got the way they are, but if it COULD have been happened another way and one of two got in the other's circumstances he would have been acting exactly as other …They both know it, at least may subconsciously guess it. That's why these antagonists respect and sympathize each other. As both know: it could be me if I got once in your situation.
Most typical example I can adduce, of mutual hatred + respect for skilfull contra-performance, is a Sherlock Holmes vs Prof. Moriarty in Conan Doyle's books.
The second that I like most is Vincent Hanna vs Neil McCauley face-off in "Heat"
So what about artistry?
Saul Bloom of "Ocean's Eleven" as a psychological type mustbe most of one trust-worthy con men I have ever seen, if not the first-rated of them. I think so because I have watched a lot of movies about cheats
He's a perfect actor-in-actor I ever seen.
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This is just a movie, but in a real life, types of men like Saul, amazingly played by Carl Reiner, often so convincing that I am not sure I wouldn't trust him implicitly if I meet him and have a one-two hours talk with a little drink… even if I had already known who that man is I never dare to play with him poker as he is no doubt is a king of bluff.
Through Lucky Glass of Love
Within mankind's history a theme of love more than other inspired preachers, poets, singers, writers and arists.
All-human summa summarum of " total amount of love per dime of one's life" meant, no doubt, a criterion to what it can be applied as good, not evil. Yet everyone may understand it of one's will , then turn it ad libit. Just in the name of love…
Juda's kiss of love
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Julia Agrippina, Nero's mother, when she had been predicted that her son would kill her soon, she,according to Tacitus, replied "Let him kill me, provided he becomes emperor," … Nero killed his loving mother.
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Summertime, ladies and gentlemen…
Previously in Portuguese, I remembered Rio and attached a few amazing melodies of wonderful world of bossa + samba. Let me lead you farther and show how these styles of Brazilian music became popular all over the world.
Love each other
Stay wild and romantic
Your Jeeves
Italy. «Marchio Bossa» is one of original Italian groups that ably turning beautiful Italian melodies into a bossa style. Not too bad.
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Germany. The group "Hotel Bossanova" is a smooth-jazz group from
Wiesbaden and consists of 3 Germans - Tilmann Höhn (guitar), Alexander Sonntag (bass) and Wolfgang Stamm (drums) and 1 Portuguese- Liza da Costa (soloist)
Matt Bianco are British jazz-pop group playing funk, fusion and Latino music ( mainly Brazilian). Samba "Half А Мinute" was written in 1984 and became a all-time world hit of them as was highly appreciated even in a motherland of the style.
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Jazzinho ( in Portuguese "little jazz") are international group based in England, playing electro-bossa+samba & lounge music. Incredible color of melodies, skilful arrangement and passionate performance by Guida de Palma, the soloist.
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Japan. Lisa Ono is world famous Japanese bossa + samba player & singer.
France. Mary L is a singer that performs jazzy and pop music in many style. This album is a perfect putting French lyrics on Brazilian tunes.
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Henri Salvador maybe a singular chansonnier who used bossa style for his songs. How it looks like? First listen to it…
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Sweden. Lisa Ekdhal is a young jazz singer. This album is fully performed in bossa style.
Philippines. Sitti Navarro is a popular bossa singer in English and Filipino. Soft voice with an local accent (that is rather good for making a colour ) + nice melodies. The first song attached is a curious remake "With Or Without You" by U2 into Brazilian rhythms. The second performed in Filipinino.
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Russia. Not too much good performers of Brazilian music Russia has. However the thing that I know is a all-time brilliant bossa in Russian with good lyrics and an amazing tune. When I had listened for it a first time in my childhood, I has not an idea what actually the style they playing it is. Later, after years, I was sure that it is just a Russian remake of a Brazilian song, so I looked for an original melody in Portuguese, as by listening it looked as a 100% Brazilian tune… But I was mistaken, it was originally written in Russia. And so far I think it to be a all-time bossa performance in Russian. "Accord", Gde to za Radugoi ( Somewhere Over The Rainbow), 1967.
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What the psychological roots of being submitted
In Freud's psychoanalysis the leadership has an initial ambivalent origin: people must both adore and hate their master, the more it is, the stronger the leadership may be. Sometimes the real personality of a leader in history was far enough of myths that people composed to see him to be a hero as he or she were often physically handicapped or mentally far from being perfect. So they often idealized their leaders as supermen and superwomen in monumental sculpture, iconized them in pictures, and sung praises in legends or propogandistic literature. If some leader had bad habits or was cruel, all of it might be justified or turned for the sake of a nation prosperity. In what way the cult of power was composed then got mythical traces, there are lot of examples in history about it. Let's take a half-serious note with a Woody's neurotic grin - say, it is an absolutely truth, for visually the higher and numerous monuments, so according to Freud, it is logical to suppose the leader was concerned with fear of death + possible disorders of procreative functions, as any monument is an allegory of someone's phallus erected. So every leader who asks for a greater honor, actually feel afraid of being castrated by his heirs.That's about love).
The second about hatred: it is more complicated topic. But direct primordial roots of procreation issue may be traced way in baboon or chimpanzee alpha male behavior - nobody dares to copulate females in the herd, were it done , any male may be attacked, injured or even killed. The main idea of the power of a such a leader, is an absolute terror + sacred awe the alpha male is to suggest.
In personal life sexually-determined motives of behavior may be explained in many ways. A pretty girl who could be a your loving one and mother of your children ( but you vaguely guess she maybe too fine for you) suddenly preffers an "inferior bastard" due to power, money or other fetishes considered as a strong argument in mating rituals….What if the same about whole the nation, IS it a procreation issue the same like one of apes?
that's why I experience contradictory emotions when I read about those who needs a theory + leader to love and to hate in one time. If it grows up, it surely would be a paranoiac stronghold.
In the Third Reich, according to Rosenberg + Himmler's theories, any nation having non-Arian roots must be qualified as "der untermensch" , annihilated or used as slaves to German people. So when you see a rise of neo-nazis in Russia or other countries that Germany fighted, ironically, it is nothing but primate love-hate issue + less-evil principle of humiliation; they, by this, are informed of their own procreative inferiority in the herd - they hate his leader, alpha male for his mighty power and fierceful terror he makes them feel, yet standing in awe before him as females love him as consider him a better father for their babies…
Funny, yet sadly that either reasonable evidence for the paranoics who may know about Slawenfeindlichkeit or numerous SS Totenkompf orders how to treat Slavic people, keep thinking the same way. Likewise, it impossible to prove for these young Mongols, whose fathers at the best might have been castrated, if Germany won The Second WW.
Thailad is famous for its transexuals…
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IMHO, in Thailand it is a strictly cultural issue as Budhism is rather neutral or negative to change one's sex artificially i.e. by surgery. In the nation mentality it is not widely considered as something
negative or unnatural as a spirit of a single personality would not be changed a least whatever body it might be incorporated in. Whether or not.
Behind all the debates + ethic aspects of transsexuality, visually the fact is that Nong Poy is one of ( if not the best) most successful samples of how to realize the transmutation from male to female without a single evidence of his former sex assignment. Taken an operation of sex change as a boy 8 years old, he became next a pretty young woman
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Let me have a speech
I always thought that marriage had a double meaning- first, a procedure to legalize sexual relations and to avoid polygamy. I knew also the tricky Freud's approach : it is necessary for limitation our endless libido unless it consumes much of our time and forces, so Eros might turn into Tanatos to destroy us finally. The second, it is a rite that is believed to have a sacred subtext to social life. At least, for many it became usual enough to feel no worries about consequent earthquakes that our family life would bring)
Methinks, ladies and gentlemen, I slightly suppose there a third deeper + totally unconscious factor - like searching a second part of lacking "I"-ness among all the individualities. A sort of kindred spirit, to feel absolutely happy. If marriage is NOT a sacred rite but a relation-concreting legislative procedure for some agnostic couples, why there are so many divorces in the world? And if it IS a sacred act for others, why so many "forcedly happy" couples that keep faking their 'unison' family lives due to only the presumption of sacred inseparability (that masks sometimes career + financial considerations), but children who know this and see this every day, year by year and may have feeling it sharper than their father and mother, one day would eventually come to the view that their parents are artful hypocrites, then kids became frustrated or running away from home. How many we know cases like these? Lot of. So, let me ask you: what you think God want us to be first: honest or obedient? You would ask me what I do think. I do think we should learn to feel each other first…
Yesterday I was surfing internet, then encounter a curious phrase said by Josie Maran - an American ex-model and ever-starlet actress - on Jimmy Kimmel Live 12 August 2004. I would not say that Josie Maran seemed to me too much intelligent ( by her films + interviews +roles she played + topless pics I saw) but these words seemed to me a mind-bender.
She said : 'I don't believe in marriage. I just don't think it's necessary in this day and age. I just think if you need to get married, then you're already distrusting the person. Why do you have to sign something to show your love? You just love, everyday'.
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Rosalia de Souza. Eu ouvi a cantora há dois anos "D'improviso" um por um dos álbums mais favorito . Esta é uma bossa jazz tradicional…e perfeito.
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Samba é uma parte da alma brasileira, e parte do Rio.
Para a musica tempo do Brasil foi o samba + bossa para mim. Сerca de 5 anos atras eu ouvi sobre o funk do Brasil. Depois de ouvir pela primeira vez,
pensei: " isso e Earth, Wind & Fire em Portugues" ! Realmente, dos primeiros acordes eles sao muito semelhantes… Desde entao, Banda Black Rio
sempre soa no meu carro. Eu amo este funk grupo…
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Sabrina Malheiros e um representante " new bossa + electronic bossa".
Que se poderia pensar quando você ouvir estes sons? manhã, o cheiro do café e charutos, perfume das mulheres)…
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Мichael Franks e americano. Е a linguagem das suas canções - Inglês.
Mas isso é música brasileira.
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Angela Ro Ro. Sua voz tem um tom fantástico + tanta sensualidade. Inimitably.
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Elian Elias é um dos mais talentosos compositores e pianistas do Brasil
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Nesse ínterim descer a tarde desceu
Se me perguntassem: mr. Jeeves, quem е o mais romаntico de todos os músicos brasileiros? Eu vou dizer- Мarcos Valle.
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Eu provavelmente ouviu esta 1000 vezes "Eu preciso aprender a ser so", mas esta é a interpretação mais emocional
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boa noite…