
Through Lucky Glass of Love

Is the Love to Love + Hate to Нate actually a our mind's reversal of the Love to Hate + Hate to Love? Is actually love as feeling one-dimensional, not dual and ambivalent? Does it necessarily mean the fact that while loving one we automatically may hate other? Is it emotional or rational act of consciousness? Is love initially intuitive or a posteriori-based? Can be logically got the name of a pop song "I Love to Hate You" other way than sophistic and insanely ambivalent?

Within mankind's history a theme of love more than other inspired preachers, poets, singers, writers and arists.
All-human summa summarum of " total amount of love per dime of one's life" meant, no doubt, a criterion to what it can be applied as good, not evil. Yet everyone may understand it of one's will , then turn it ad libit. Just in the name of love…
Juda's kiss of love

Изображение с http://img.nnow.ru/data/myupload/0/0//p44-judas-kiss-1.jpg
Изображение с http://img.nnow.ru/data/myupload/0/0//p44-judas-kiss-1.jpg

Julia Agrippina, Nero's mother, when she had been predicted that her son would kill her soon, she,according to Tacitus, replied "Let him kill me, provided he becomes emperor," … Nero killed his loving mother.

Изображение с http://img.nnow.ru/data/myupload/0/0//14132.jpg
Изображение с http://img.nnow.ru/data/myupload/0/0//14132.jpg

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