
What the psychological roots of being submitted

What the psychological roots of being submitted and compelled are. What is the explanation of feeling goоd of free-will slavery. What if it looks like rather subconcious than rational? What, what… Logically, to explain why a single man likes feeling humiliated need not to be a psychoanalyst. That's firstly may induce you to an idea of a super motive he or she has on a less-evil principle. Вefore he or she had, perhaps, been far more humiliated and suffered an indignity on any one or any thing. It works often like a homeopathic mean. That's about a single person. What about of a group of people or of nations? In both cases, it requires applications to super-ego – be it heroes, national myths or religious ideals.

In Freud's psychoanalysis the leadership has an initial ambivalent origin: people must both adore and hate their master, the more it is, the stronger the leadership may be. Sometimes the real personality of a leader in history was far enough of myths that people composed to see him to be a hero as he or she were often physically handicapped or mentally far from being perfect. So they often idealized their leaders as supermen and superwomen in monumental sculpture, iconized them in pictures, and sung praises in legends or propogandistic literature. If some leader had bad habits or was cruel, all of it might be justified or turned for the sake of a nation prosperity. In what way the cult of power was composed then got mythical traces, there are lot of examples in history about it. Let's take a half-serious note with a Woody's neurotic grin - say, it is an absolutely truth, for visually the higher and numerous monuments, so according to Freud, it is logical to suppose the leader was concerned with fear of death + possible disorders of procreative functions, as any monument is an allegory of someone's phallus erected. So every leader who asks for a greater honor, actually feel afraid of being castrated by his heirs.That's about love).
The second about hatred: it is more complicated topic. But direct primordial roots of procreation issue may be traced way in baboon or chimpanzee alpha male behavior - nobody dares to copulate females in the herd, were it done , any male may be attacked, injured or even killed. The main idea of the power of a such a leader, is an absolute terror + sacred awe the alpha male is to suggest.

In personal life sexually-determined motives of behavior may be explained in many ways. A pretty girl who could be a your loving one and mother of your children ( but you vaguely guess she maybe too fine for you) suddenly preffers an "inferior bastard" due to power, money or other fetishes considered as a strong argument in mating rituals….What if the same about whole the nation, IS it a procreation issue the same like one of apes?

that's why I experience contradictory emotions when I read about those who needs a theory + leader to love and to hate in one time. If it grows up, it surely would be a paranoiac stronghold.

In the Third Reich, according to Rosenberg + Himmler's theories, any nation having non-Arian roots must be qualified as "der untermensch" , annihilated or used as slaves to German people. So when you see a rise of neo-nazis in Russia or other countries that Germany fighted, ironically, it is nothing but primate love-hate issue + less-evil principle of humiliation; they, by this, are informed of their own procreative inferiority in the herd - they hate his leader, alpha male for his mighty power and fierceful terror he makes them feel, yet standing in awe before him as females love him as consider him a better father for their babies…
Funny, yet sadly that either reasonable evidence for the paranoics who may know about Slawenfeindlichkeit or numerous SS Totenkompf orders how to treat Slavic people, keep thinking the same way. Likewise, it impossible to prove for these young Mongols, whose fathers at the best might have been castrated, if Germany won The Second WW.

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