Ship of fools, II
'Ship of fools' is an antipode to 'council of wizards'. Coined in 15th century as an allegory - due to the book with the same name by Sebastian Brant, lashing badly religious hypocrites. Later on, IMO, it became inverted into the reversal conception of a spontaneous lifestyle + learning free of speculative dogmas, purely through sensibility without ability of sense.

The goal is not important, the process of getting the goal is of more importance. That's why that in numerous fairy tales and stories about 'fool' where they suddenly reaching happiness, welfare, social ranking etc. - the context is not the fact they have got it due to their attempts + wishes to do, but despite of it. That's also why that 'fools' look as they are not quite aware about what they've got. It is like happiness without awareness of it, or simulation of happiness like that of someone's drunk who actually doesn't sincerely care about it.
Being foolish means being insane ( or to seem insane) to get rid of the previous speculative experience, which, you feel it inside, is like a foreign material had been implanted in you previously, but never became native to your body. The fact that you feel it alien is more important than what this implant of information means to your sense.
'Ship of fools' became a modern mythologem, grew out of the anti-logical satiric allegory into a simulacrum of 'being foolish' = to enjoy with what you're learning now of own free will, that more that you have to learn, in order to enjoy later. The result of such experience may be contradictory, but truly your own, not forced from outside.
….. then, probably, the language of symbols 'the fool' uses may be like one of Arthur Rimbaud'd in 'Le bateau ivre' ( The Drunk Boat)
"Je sais les cieux crevant en éclairs, et les trombes
Et les ressacs, et les courants: je sais le soir,
L'Aube exaltée ainsi qu'un peuple de colombes,
Et j'ai vu quelquefois ce que l'homme a cru voir!
J'ai vu le soleil bas, taché d'horreurs mystiques,
Illuminant de longs figements violets,
Pareils à des acteurs de drames très-antiques
Les flots roulant au loin leurs frissons de volets!"

Learning things at-fly without preliminary preconceptions and without being based on a-posteriori information, is a key motive of all these stories. In fact, it resembles Christ's saying "don’t be proud, become like children" - that's exactly about method to get non-docrtinated conceptions of something from zero cycle of previous information. It had been told before Husserl's approach in phenomenology. Therefore, aside of further scholastic speculative method, 'raw knowledge' was assumed to be accurate first.
We all are passengers on the ship drifting with the stream in Time-Space Ocean. Probably some one of us is aware well of the course taken, other not. Someone came to the ship with only desire to reach an harbour he or she had been dreaming of. Other doesn't care about the point of destination, 'cause the journey is far more important that the goal it implies… Isn't it?)
+ a song 'First Evening' taken from the album 'Sahara Blue' composed in commemorate the 100th anniversary of the death of author Arthur Rimbaud, by Hector Zazou + all the lyrics in this album are Rimbaud's poetry.