Thailad is famous for its transexuals…
Thailad is famous for its transsexuals. What reasons that prompt Thai people more than others in the world, to change their sex? I think, first, it is purely off any religious context as it is f.e. in India, which is a caste tradition and PURELY behavioral issue connected somehow with a local god's ministry, - and only the next it may be considered as a problem of sexual self-identity, that is a clear an aspect of mentality, as many of hijras are passive homosexuals and they feel inside themselves women, even not taking (due to poverty) operation for their sex change, unlike classical transvestites playing female roles from time to time.
IMHO, in Thailand it is a strictly cultural issue as Budhism is rather neutral or negative to change one's sex artificially i.e. by surgery. In the nation mentality it is not widely considered as something
negative or unnatural as a spirit of a single personality would not be changed a least whatever body it might be incorporated in. Whether or not.
Behind all the debates + ethic aspects of transsexuality, visually the fact is that Nong Poy is one of ( if not the best) most successful samples of how to realize the transmutation from male to female without a single evidence of his former sex assignment. Taken an operation of sex change as a boy 8 years old, he became next a pretty young woman
Изображение с http://img.nnow.ru/data/myupload/0/0//hijra-by-maceij-dakowicz.jpg
IMHO, in Thailand it is a strictly cultural issue as Budhism is rather neutral or negative to change one's sex artificially i.e. by surgery. In the nation mentality it is not widely considered as something
negative or unnatural as a spirit of a single personality would not be changed a least whatever body it might be incorporated in. Whether or not.
Behind all the debates + ethic aspects of transsexuality, visually the fact is that Nong Poy is one of ( if not the best) most successful samples of how to realize the transmutation from male to female without a single evidence of his former sex assignment. Taken an operation of sex change as a boy 8 years old, he became next a pretty young woman
Изображение с http://img.nnow.ru/data/myupload/0/0//nongpoy.jpg
Изображение с http://img.nnow.ru/data/myupload/0/0//ha10vz4.jpg
Изображение с http://img.nnow.ru/data/myupload/0/0//nong-poy-500-2.jpg
Изображение с http://img.nnow.ru/data/myupload/0/0//1-127034827l.jpg
→ Thailad is famous for its transexuals…