Man of Science vs Man of Faith, I
I thought cautiously: we have grown so exceedingly arrogant + proud of summa summarum of our achievement in technology that completely forgot the fact that each of us is a primarily product of organic matter including our brain activity that, in its turn, depends of the work of heart system. So any artificial mind that might be ever invented sure would be owed to the biological ground, as no mental activity prompted without neuronal stimuli. So before to think forward, we feel a contradiction between the previous thought. We are alive, not mechanic. Kind of intelligent animals called humans zoo-logically pertaining to primates, having the same genetic and emotional patterns in behavior as ours.

Can artificial models of self-learning processes be effective by using other method of empirical cognition than those that is in human neural system? No, it seems.
Thats why structure of ANN as an ideal (self ) cognitive method in fact is a copy that in human physiology.

Absolute majority of us are idealists. If not in earlier years then later. We wanted to know and we had to. But suddenly on moment X of one's personal life, it is found that our science is a more a process than a goal. Actually we don't need it. What more paradoxic, we apprehend it intuitively long before every conscious act we try.
→ Man of Science vs Man of Faith, I

как всё знакомо… я тоже занимался AI-проблемами… только в области семантики… понимания текста… боже, как это было давно ((

если Вы имеете в виду метод семантического дифференциала, то нет, не знаком… :)
немного другая область знания…)
немного другая область знания…)

да и я собсно не психолог, а аналитик.. а вечно приходится разбираться в каких-то пограничных областях знания..
а с этим Осгудом чувствую себя тупицей.. и нигде не нахожу четкого описания его научных результатов.. везде какая-то вода и ничего не понятно.
а с этим Осгудом чувствую себя тупицей.. и нигде не нахожу четкого описания его научных результатов.. везде какая-то вода и ничего не понятно.