Ockham's Razor, or Mag vs PC
Honestly, I did not want to reply you as I supposed exactly what I have been warned about. Partly it is. Much I have gently written you in English, you message in Russian is, sorry, silly and ill-bred. Anyway, I consider it good to reply to you. I'll try to be sincere as much as I can.
First, I impressed with your language skills. I have been nicely surprised. Also, I should note you are quite informative and educated participant amongst the members of the forum. But. The main problem of your communication is psychologic - after getting clear + unambiguous proof of any item that had been subjected before but turned out to be other that you had believed, you start to argue it in a tricky way - by involving the opponent to a long litigious and pettifogging discussion with the accent to collateral, secondary meaning non-attendant directly to the matter of question points, making by itself a. an air of the argument, but not the argument itself. b. a substitution of the term in question. Even in your current message I saw the approach like irrelevant misleading phrases. I do think, an ability to admit – partly or in whole - one's own being wrong may do good any one. But it requires both being gentle and self-critical. Not many opponents can have these qualities.
Your mistake is not that you have previously adduced Ockham's phrase in English for the Russian speaker you discussed with. Your mistake is that your translation is incorrect as to accuracy of Ockham's phrase meaning. In fact, were you willing make it totally clear, you'd adduce it in Latin. Very probably you didn't know the fact it had been primarily written in Latin,' cause done in Latin more sharply rendering the meaning of the phrase as unequivocal. So it might not take such a hot debate at all of yours. Therefore, the target of the translator is to minimize it from its direct construction to its re-construction. In order to do so, one need to trace the chain of terms origin. Ockam's razor is not essay or poetry that may be freely interpreted + allows metaphors, synonyms (the loose translation in general as you talk) , it is not a fiction, it is a postulate of the logic. No matter how it sounds, it is like a medicine book or theorem – it is to describe the crux of the matter. Or else we'll get an eternal ambiguity. I hope you got me right.
Well, even in the small passage you succeeded to commit a lot of mistakes, what in itself is quite symbolic as the passage of teaching to spelling + composing other sarcastically turned into the evidence of illiteracy. See: 'you cheking' instead of ' your cheking', 'much sense' that sounds clumsily, instead of 'much point' , even so 'I can't see much point' sounds weird to hear, as there is a common phrase ' I see no point'. Or 'occasionally elementary mistakes' instead of 'occasional elementary mistakes', or ' obvious typos' instead of 'evident typos' – all of it in a single passage show your solid gaps in the phrasal composing. Generally, your whole posting is correct, nevertheless there are mistakes like these. If I have the wish to find, cite then disprove all your mistakes in the message, I would, but it will take me pretty time. Finally, as an exactly non-native speaker ( not 'no native speaker' as you wrote it, which is incoherent), I kindly recommend you to change your attitude toward members of the forum, by getting lesser pettifogger.
Finally, I find it incorrect to give the link in German as the article about Ockham's phrase is in English. What the point in your doing so? Wiki is basically En-speaking site and 90% of its staff are native English speakers. English is 1st international language for communication. I can speak German and Portuguese. I've learned other languages. But, if we speak in one language, what the point in your adducing the link like that? Why not in Chinese?
You say 'in fact' as a self-evident fact that you yourself sat for yourself. I cannot seriously take what you speak of the superiority. Neither anyone connected with science and education anyhow would. The part of your sentence in the brackets obviously contradicts the first part.
It is again about the interpretation of Ockham's razor. Interpretation of the meaning, not the meaning itself. It is going to be too sophistic. You gradually step off the point.
Well, in Wiki – back to your misinterpretation 'tend' as non-mathematic contextual term ( probably, you might not know it) – was told of the fact that Ockham's razor are axiomatic INITIALLY due to its meaning. As for Britannica, I tell you again. It is not 'up to me'. It is the bibliographic and scientific source commonly taken in academic areas. I don't really care what the source is, of more importance how much is trust-worthy. Actually, I don't know names of those writing Wiki's articles. Because they are mostly anonymous. The sources might be veracious, but the conclusion after the compilation can be murky or biased. In Wiki it'd be any one who wants to take a part in the project. But it is very important. It implies: I don't know their scientific reputation + achievements, yet ought to take for granted all that they are going to inform me in their freely compiled articles. Funny logic. Show me who you are as not compilers but as scientists, show me you theories or studies you did that are actual for the world, then I shake your hand. Articles in BE written by one or by the group of famous scientists. What actually Wiki is as not the website leeching various articles previously made in BE and BE-like academic books and media? The meaning of this chewed and readapted-to-people studies is the same, 'cause pure academic articles are hard to read = it need to be rewritten, synonymized = profanized for public at large. It is absolutely clear. At least to me.
Overall, the main thing is that Okcham's razor was written in Latin. In Latin ( if you still keep putting to question the veracity of the meaning in English) it eliminates any other translations except direct, so it is absolutely understandable as the notion - exactly the thing Alef suggested you first. So all the next discussions, after having seen in it Latin, seem irrelevant and misleading. If you want to discuss the interpretation of further Okcham's razor's meanings/approach in logic or metaphysics, it may be of interest. Just it will be other subject, not that in question.
First, I impressed with your language skills. I have been nicely surprised. Also, I should note you are quite informative and educated participant amongst the members of the forum. But. The main problem of your communication is psychologic - after getting clear + unambiguous proof of any item that had been subjected before but turned out to be other that you had believed, you start to argue it in a tricky way - by involving the opponent to a long litigious and pettifogging discussion with the accent to collateral, secondary meaning non-attendant directly to the matter of question points, making by itself a. an air of the argument, but not the argument itself. b. a substitution of the term in question. Even in your current message I saw the approach like irrelevant misleading phrases. I do think, an ability to admit – partly or in whole - one's own being wrong may do good any one. But it requires both being gentle and self-critical. Not many opponents can have these qualities.
You assumption is fundamentally wrong. Even if I were unable to write decent English, this would not necessarily imply my poor reading comprehension. Solid translation agencies, e.g., (almost) never engage translators (even good ones) who are not native speakers in the target language. That's a rule much more unalterable than Ockham's razor. Have you got an idea, why
Your mistake is not that you have previously adduced Ockham's phrase in English for the Russian speaker you discussed with. Your mistake is that your translation is incorrect as to accuracy of Ockham's phrase meaning. In fact, were you willing make it totally clear, you'd adduce it in Latin. Very probably you didn't know the fact it had been primarily written in Latin,' cause done in Latin more sharply rendering the meaning of the phrase as unequivocal. So it might not take such a hot debate at all of yours. Therefore, the target of the translator is to minimize it from its direct construction to its re-construction. In order to do so, one need to trace the chain of terms origin. Ockam's razor is not essay or poetry that may be freely interpreted + allows metaphors, synonyms (the loose translation in general as you talk) , it is not a fiction, it is a postulate of the logic. No matter how it sounds, it is like a medicine book or theorem – it is to describe the crux of the matter. Or else we'll get an eternal ambiguity. I hope you got me right.
Also, I can't see much sense in you checking my English as you are no native speaker yourself making occasionally elementary mistakes like "causal people" (sounds really funny, even if a typo :-) ) or "while being a free and informative Net resource" (Understandably, I omit obvious typos such as "comparion to Britannica").
As I said, I appreciate your skills. I surprised as you really have good vocabulary, which, alas, not yet sufficient as to speak to me with 'would-be far more-expert' attitude of topics where you don't really seem to be better. First, I should confess that you are right for my sloppy typing. I'm constantly in hurry and commit mistakes in any language I write including Russian - mustbe even more frequent that other users. Sorry. Secondly, I found it incorrect to compare native and non-native speakers as you do. If you were in English speaking countries just for a short term, you'd see that there are a lot of native residents that had finished primary schools and colleges, having obvious problems with the grammar. In the UK I know non-native speakers + writers in English doing it excellent. So, I see no direct relation in having the proficiency in English (presumed to be a preliminary condition , as you speak) to be a handicap for exactly native speakers. It is a myth of those who never been abroad. even if a typo
Of course it is. But 'even if' shows that don't know phrasal words. It suggest me your lack of living abroad and listening to everyday speech - there are a lot of colloquial or phrasal words which are quite typical. At least in Middle England. 'Сasual people' – to your guidance - is the same like 'casual workers/labourers' = irregular workers/ the persons doing their work from time to time. Please learn. http://www.personneltoday.com/articles/2008/06/10/46258/casual-workers-rights.html Well, even in the small passage you succeeded to commit a lot of mistakes, what in itself is quite symbolic as the passage of teaching to spelling + composing other sarcastically turned into the evidence of illiteracy. See: 'you cheking' instead of ' your cheking', 'much sense' that sounds clumsily, instead of 'much point' , even so 'I can't see much point' sounds weird to hear, as there is a common phrase ' I see no point'. Or 'occasionally elementary mistakes' instead of 'occasional elementary mistakes', or ' obvious typos' instead of 'evident typos' – all of it in a single passage show your solid gaps in the phrasal composing. Generally, your whole posting is correct, nevertheless there are mistakes like these. If I have the wish to find, cite then disprove all your mistakes in the message, I would, but it will take me pretty time. Finally, as an exactly non-native speaker ( not 'no native speaker' as you wrote it, which is incoherent), I kindly recommend you to change your attitude toward members of the forum, by getting lesser pettifogger.
Basically, you build on Britannica's prestige and a literal reading of the entry. This approach has at least two problems (I have more points, but we can hopefully do without them).
1. Appealing to an authority as an ultima ratio is a fallacy well known in elementary logic as argumentum ad verecundiam. That is, your epistemology is logically deficient from the outset.
2. The superiority of Britannica over Wikipedia you rely on is no longer an issue:
Wiki is being written by casual, enthusiastic people that use previous studies that had been collected in world wide recognized sources like Britannica. For instance. I do scientific study, I cannot adduce/refer the Wiki as wholly exhaustive source, not just I want or you don't want to do so – it is the rule taken in the scientific world. The best criterion of truth is practice. The best criterion of practice is time. Time sat the criterion on the fact that BE is far more trust-worthy. Alas, Wiki is a profane ( in the best meaning of the word) source and not the criterion for academic excellence, if we talk of pure science. The next your item, according to the link, is just a private point of view of one of British magazines 'Nature' . Hell, you know how many science magazines would say the same? And papers? Sites? Your argument far-fetched. 1. Appealing to an authority as an ultima ratio is a fallacy well known in elementary logic as argumentum ad verecundiam. That is, your epistemology is logically deficient from the outset.
2. The superiority of Britannica over Wikipedia you rely on is no longer an issue:
Finally, I find it incorrect to give the link in German as the article about Ockham's phrase is in English. What the point in your doing so? Wiki is basically En-speaking site and 90% of its staff are native English speakers. English is 1st international language for communication. I can speak German and Portuguese. I've learned other languages. But, if we speak in one language, what the point in your adducing the link like that? Why not in Chinese?
In fact, the Wiki article is clearly superior to that in Britannica as it allows for scientific citations (remember that both encyclopedias obviously cannot be put on a par with the academic stuff).
You say 'in fact' as a self-evident fact that you yourself sat for yourself. I cannot seriously take what you speak of the superiority. Neither anyone connected with science and education anyhow would. The part of your sentence in the brackets obviously contradicts the first part.
And the Academy perspective seems to perfectly corroborate my claim:
"In science, Occam’s razor is used as a heuristic (general guiding rule or an observation) to guide scientists in the development of theoretical models rather than as an arbiter between published models.[8][9] In the scientific method, Occam's razor is not considered an irrefutable principle of logic, and certainly not a scientific result.[10][11][12][13]
"In science, Occam’s razor is used as a heuristic (general guiding rule or an observation) to guide scientists in the development of theoretical models rather than as an arbiter between published models.[8][9] In the scientific method, Occam's razor is not considered an irrefutable principle of logic, and certainly not a scientific result.[10][11][12][13]
It is again about the interpretation of Ockham's razor. Interpretation of the meaning, not the meaning itself. It is going to be too sophistic. You gradually step off the point.
That's up to you to trust the Britannica stub more than the academic research, but try to think of the subject in terms of the real world.
'Britannica stub'. The site is just a digest. All the real content of BE consists of books and media. I have both BE in books – old printing more than 100 books, and CD about 4,5 Gb. So please don't tell me about what you have an approximate idea. Your phrase like 'more than the academic research' I leave without any comments. So far, you don't seem to want to find the truth. Ok. No matter what you think. Well, in Wiki – back to your misinterpretation 'tend' as non-mathematic contextual term ( probably, you might not know it) – was told of the fact that Ockham's razor are axiomatic INITIALLY due to its meaning. As for Britannica, I tell you again. It is not 'up to me'. It is the bibliographic and scientific source commonly taken in academic areas. I don't really care what the source is, of more importance how much is trust-worthy. Actually, I don't know names of those writing Wiki's articles. Because they are mostly anonymous. The sources might be veracious, but the conclusion after the compilation can be murky or biased. In Wiki it'd be any one who wants to take a part in the project. But it is very important. It implies: I don't know their scientific reputation + achievements, yet ought to take for granted all that they are going to inform me in their freely compiled articles. Funny logic. Show me who you are as not compilers but as scientists, show me you theories or studies you did that are actual for the world, then I shake your hand. Articles in BE written by one or by the group of famous scientists. What actually Wiki is as not the website leeching various articles previously made in BE and BE-like academic books and media? The meaning of this chewed and readapted-to-people studies is the same, 'cause pure academic articles are hard to read = it need to be rewritten, synonymized = profanized for public at large. It is absolutely clear. At least to me.
Consider the SU collapse. Do you indeed opine that it must/should/is to/ought to be explained by a single reason, rather than by a bundle of? If not, what's your point after all?
Sorry, it is irrelevant.Overall, the main thing is that Okcham's razor was written in Latin. In Latin ( if you still keep putting to question the veracity of the meaning in English) it eliminates any other translations except direct, so it is absolutely understandable as the notion - exactly the thing Alef suggested you first. So all the next discussions, after having seen in it Latin, seem irrelevant and misleading. If you want to discuss the interpretation of further Okcham's razor's meanings/approach in logic or metaphysics, it may be of interest. Just it will be other subject, not that in question.
The Next After Shopping
This story happened with me a week ago in one of Russian malls. After I have parked a car, I saw another car parking nearby. The couple came out – a man of approximately 35-40 years and a woman of visibly younger age. We came almost simultaneously in, then go to a cloakroom.
Later, I saw them in one of shops with the cart stuffed almost up to the top with various things, 2/3 of which – as I noticed – were of female fashion. The man looked like a typical white collar. He was slightly overweighted, dressed in a expensive suit. He seems to me a bit nervy as he was constantly interrupted with phone calls. He replied the rings in a loud voice, spoken snatchy and quickly. After putting the mobile back into a pocket, he sighted and muttered something. She also seems nervy – whether on the fact of his speaking too much over the mobile or by other reason. I should note that this young woman looked a real smasher like a cover girl or top fashion model – she stood out in a crowd and was pretty eye-catching: many of the mall visitors looked at her fixedly (especially males) behind her as she was dressed tight and sexy.
I met the couple next – a true coincidence – then after about 2-hours shopping me and they were going back to our cars. Their car stood side by side to mine. It was snowfall. I started the engine, took a brush then gone outside to sweep the snow.
I could hear a loud talk gradually getting more and more impulsive:
'– Stop it, stop it for Christ's sake, Alina! I've a hard day. I feel zonked. Ya'd asked me a day ago for it ( * shopping, as I suppose* ) and I said 'fine'! I hoped it'd be fine but ya can hear my phone ringing whole the day and guys telling me of some unforeseen things happened. The chief wants me in the office right now!
– Oh, yeah-
– What the hell ya don't believe me?
– A month ago we were at a restaurant when your ex (* ex-wife, I suppose*) gave you a call, then you run to her without thinking long. I've been waiting for that day whole the year, but you didn't care a damn!
– It was car accident, Alina! She is mother of my son. Don't ya see the f…… difference!
– You did promise it me! Now I see you told me a lie! I work in media and I told you I am in need of this stuff. You said: 'well lets wait 40% discount in order I'd spare some money, then I'll buy this Mac for you, promise.' Today is the last day when the discount available. If you'd told me 'no' by then, I'd have borrowed some money to buy it myself!
– Don't push me! What d'ya want from me? Want me calling to my boss: sorry, I can't be right now 'cause Alina wants me to stay here to get f…. Mac at a discount, eh? What about I'd be fired? If you'd thought first of our income – you know well that's on mine and all I do for you, I do it due to my job – you'd think twice before speak words like these. Look, I suppose I'd be another discount to X-mass, so we'd get this Mac.
– What the f…. you are! You promised me you never reproach me with my small income! You do it again!
– I'm sorry.
– F….! You do it constantly like a f…. scrooge! - *she grew furious*
– Sorry, Alina. I feel headache and feel nervy. I must be going immediately. Please. Please don't speak any thing, or-
– Or what? When I'd met you two years ago I left my husband for you 'cause I believed you!
– What d'ya mean?
– I mean I deal with the piece of shit – a liar irresponsible for words told to woman he loves!'
After her words, he opened his mouth and starred at her about 10 seconds. Then without speaking a single word turned around, came up to the boot, opened it – then started throwing all the things that had been been bought 2 hours earlier out of it right on the asphalt. Closed it. Went back to the driver sit. Slammed the door. And got away.
I feel a little bit too shocked. I came to the woman, that was looked both confused and irritated on what happened.
– Can I help you?
– No.
She lighted a cigarette. Then began to dial a cell phone.
I came up to my car. I caught myself up that I had seen it before, something alike. Deja vu. Just in that case the result was more tragic, and in that situation both them were guilty in various degree – she probably in 30 as conflict monger, and he – as completely affected by the stress psycho unable to control himself, in 70% .
It was 'Jackie Brown'. A mall scene.
Later, I saw them in one of shops with the cart stuffed almost up to the top with various things, 2/3 of which – as I noticed – were of female fashion. The man looked like a typical white collar. He was slightly overweighted, dressed in a expensive suit. He seems to me a bit nervy as he was constantly interrupted with phone calls. He replied the rings in a loud voice, spoken snatchy and quickly. After putting the mobile back into a pocket, he sighted and muttered something. She also seems nervy – whether on the fact of his speaking too much over the mobile or by other reason. I should note that this young woman looked a real smasher like a cover girl or top fashion model – she stood out in a crowd and was pretty eye-catching: many of the mall visitors looked at her fixedly (especially males) behind her as she was dressed tight and sexy.
I met the couple next – a true coincidence – then after about 2-hours shopping me and they were going back to our cars. Their car stood side by side to mine. It was snowfall. I started the engine, took a brush then gone outside to sweep the snow.
I could hear a loud talk gradually getting more and more impulsive:
'– Stop it, stop it for Christ's sake, Alina! I've a hard day. I feel zonked. Ya'd asked me a day ago for it ( * shopping, as I suppose* ) and I said 'fine'! I hoped it'd be fine but ya can hear my phone ringing whole the day and guys telling me of some unforeseen things happened. The chief wants me in the office right now!
– Oh, yeah-
– What the hell ya don't believe me?
– A month ago we were at a restaurant when your ex (* ex-wife, I suppose*) gave you a call, then you run to her without thinking long. I've been waiting for that day whole the year, but you didn't care a damn!
– It was car accident, Alina! She is mother of my son. Don't ya see the f…… difference!
– You did promise it me! Now I see you told me a lie! I work in media and I told you I am in need of this stuff. You said: 'well lets wait 40% discount in order I'd spare some money, then I'll buy this Mac for you, promise.' Today is the last day when the discount available. If you'd told me 'no' by then, I'd have borrowed some money to buy it myself!
– Don't push me! What d'ya want from me? Want me calling to my boss: sorry, I can't be right now 'cause Alina wants me to stay here to get f…. Mac at a discount, eh? What about I'd be fired? If you'd thought first of our income – you know well that's on mine and all I do for you, I do it due to my job – you'd think twice before speak words like these. Look, I suppose I'd be another discount to X-mass, so we'd get this Mac.
– What the f…. you are! You promised me you never reproach me with my small income! You do it again!
– I'm sorry.
– F….! You do it constantly like a f…. scrooge! - *she grew furious*
– Sorry, Alina. I feel headache and feel nervy. I must be going immediately. Please. Please don't speak any thing, or-
– Or what? When I'd met you two years ago I left my husband for you 'cause I believed you!
– What d'ya mean?
– I mean I deal with the piece of shit – a liar irresponsible for words told to woman he loves!'
After her words, he opened his mouth and starred at her about 10 seconds. Then without speaking a single word turned around, came up to the boot, opened it – then started throwing all the things that had been been bought 2 hours earlier out of it right on the asphalt. Closed it. Went back to the driver sit. Slammed the door. And got away.
I feel a little bit too shocked. I came to the woman, that was looked both confused and irritated on what happened.
– Can I help you?
– No.
She lighted a cigarette. Then began to dial a cell phone.
I came up to my car. I caught myself up that I had seen it before, something alike. Deja vu. Just in that case the result was more tragic, and in that situation both them were guilty in various degree – she probably in 30 as conflict monger, and he – as completely affected by the stress psycho unable to control himself, in 70% .
It was 'Jackie Brown'. A mall scene.
Nice cap. I had seen it while surfing the Net ( don't know what the site it was), then took the pic to my computer. I called it Вraincap, which literally seems to be correct.
A week later, I was surfing the Net in search for news about ANN, when I got a phone call - one of my co-workers strongly suggested me go to the site of University of Maryland, where he had read read a curious article that, he hoped so, would be of interest to me. I did. The article proved to be higly informative. I adduce some key excerpts below. And the technology was called 'Вrain Cap'. I smiled as remembered the previous nice stuff, then thought seriously this way. In fact, the idea in making the knitted brain-shaped cap is the kind of model of brain ( at least visually) to put over human head - thus making a prototype of a brain-body interface that may be treated touchpad-like from outside. Funny or even surrealistic at first look. Ideal way to control other's mentality, if the idea of brains-over-head-interface has no alternative purpose.
Quite on the contrary in the article below: the brain by producing thoughts ( that are actually electro-magnetic waves; they in its turn get intercepted, decoded though computer, then as being more distinctive or even boosted signals go to the motor apparatus in order to prompt any action.
'College Park, Md. - "Brain cap" technology being developed at the University of Maryland allows users to turn their thoughts into motion. Associate Professor of Kinesiology José 'Pepe' L. Contreras-Vidal and his team have created a non-invasive, sensor-lined cap with neural interface software that soon could be used to control computers, robotic prosthetic limbs, motorized wheelchairs and even digital avatars.
"We are on track to develop, test and make available to the public- within the next few years - a safe, reliable, noninvasive brain computer interface that can bring life-changing technology to millions of people whose ability to move has been diminished due to paralysis, stroke or other injury or illness," said Contreras-Vidal of the university's School of Public Health.
The potential and rapid progression of the UMD brain cap technology can be seen in a host of recent developments, including a just published study in the Journal of Neurophysiology, new grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes of Health, and a growing list of partners that includes the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System, the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Rice University and Walter Reed Army Medical Center's Integrated Department of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation.
"We are doing something that few previously thought was possible," said Contreras-Vidal, who is also an affiliate professor in Maryland's Fischell Department of Bioengineering and the university's Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Program. "We use EEG [electroencephalography] to non-invasively read brain waves and translate them into movement commands for computers and other devices"
' Contreras-Vidal and his team have published three major papers on their technology over the past 18 months, the latest a just released study in the Journal of Neurophysiology in which they successfully used EEG brain signals to reconstruct the complex 3-D movements of the ankle, knee and hip joints during human treadmill walking. In two earlier studies they showed (1) similar results for 3-D hand movement and (2) that subjects wearing the brain cap could control a computer cursor with their thoughts.'
'During the past two decades a great deal of progress has been made in the study of direct brain to computer interfaces, most of it through studies using monkeys with electrodes implanted in their brains. However, for use in humans such an invasive approach poses many problems, not the least of which is that most people don't' want holes in their heads and wires attached to their brains.
"EEG monitoring of the brain, which has a long, safe history for other applications, has been largely ignored by those working on brain-machine interfaces, because it was thought that the human skull blocked too much of the detailed information on brain activity needed to read thoughts about movement and turn those readings into movement commands for multi-functional high-degree of freedom prosthetics," said Contreras-Vidal. He is among the few who have used EEG, MEG or other sensing technologies to develop non-invasive neural interfaces, and the only one to have demonstrated decoding results comparable to those achieved by researchers using implanted electrodes.'

A week later, I was surfing the Net in search for news about ANN, when I got a phone call - one of my co-workers strongly suggested me go to the site of University of Maryland, where he had read read a curious article that, he hoped so, would be of interest to me. I did. The article proved to be higly informative. I adduce some key excerpts below. And the technology was called 'Вrain Cap'. I smiled as remembered the previous nice stuff, then thought seriously this way. In fact, the idea in making the knitted brain-shaped cap is the kind of model of brain ( at least visually) to put over human head - thus making a prototype of a brain-body interface that may be treated touchpad-like from outside. Funny or even surrealistic at first look. Ideal way to control other's mentality, if the idea of brains-over-head-interface has no alternative purpose.
Quite on the contrary in the article below: the brain by producing thoughts ( that are actually electro-magnetic waves; they in its turn get intercepted, decoded though computer, then as being more distinctive or even boosted signals go to the motor apparatus in order to prompt any action.

'College Park, Md. - "Brain cap" technology being developed at the University of Maryland allows users to turn their thoughts into motion. Associate Professor of Kinesiology José 'Pepe' L. Contreras-Vidal and his team have created a non-invasive, sensor-lined cap with neural interface software that soon could be used to control computers, robotic prosthetic limbs, motorized wheelchairs and even digital avatars.
"We are on track to develop, test and make available to the public- within the next few years - a safe, reliable, noninvasive brain computer interface that can bring life-changing technology to millions of people whose ability to move has been diminished due to paralysis, stroke or other injury or illness," said Contreras-Vidal of the university's School of Public Health.
The potential and rapid progression of the UMD brain cap technology can be seen in a host of recent developments, including a just published study in the Journal of Neurophysiology, new grants from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and National Institutes of Health, and a growing list of partners that includes the University of Maryland School of Medicine, the Veterans Affairs Maryland Health Care System, the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, Rice University and Walter Reed Army Medical Center's Integrated Department of Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation.
"We are doing something that few previously thought was possible," said Contreras-Vidal, who is also an affiliate professor in Maryland's Fischell Department of Bioengineering and the university's Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Program. "We use EEG [electroencephalography] to non-invasively read brain waves and translate them into movement commands for computers and other devices"
' Contreras-Vidal and his team have published three major papers on their technology over the past 18 months, the latest a just released study in the Journal of Neurophysiology in which they successfully used EEG brain signals to reconstruct the complex 3-D movements of the ankle, knee and hip joints during human treadmill walking. In two earlier studies they showed (1) similar results for 3-D hand movement and (2) that subjects wearing the brain cap could control a computer cursor with their thoughts.'

'During the past two decades a great deal of progress has been made in the study of direct brain to computer interfaces, most of it through studies using monkeys with electrodes implanted in their brains. However, for use in humans such an invasive approach poses many problems, not the least of which is that most people don't' want holes in their heads and wires attached to their brains.
"EEG monitoring of the brain, which has a long, safe history for other applications, has been largely ignored by those working on brain-machine interfaces, because it was thought that the human skull blocked too much of the detailed information on brain activity needed to read thoughts about movement and turn those readings into movement commands for multi-functional high-degree of freedom prosthetics," said Contreras-Vidal. He is among the few who have used EEG, MEG or other sensing technologies to develop non-invasive neural interfaces, and the only one to have demonstrated decoding results comparable to those achieved by researchers using implanted electrodes.'
Cryptoanarchy, Waking Up II
No wonder for those finally swallowed red pills, the feeling of had been trapped previously is hard to get aware of – it requires a courage to face the truth and being determined in your choice. The kind of frustration between what one has just realized to what one had been suggested – is quite natural as the after-effect resulted from going out of the system that had turned out to be primarily fallacious. This feeling of double-sided nature: first, an alleviation as the fact you are finally free and, secondly, fear + uncertainty and feeling abandoned.
However, hypothetically, how many of those strongly determined to know the truth would be numbered, if every one had been offered to make a Neo-like choice? Seems, an absolute minority. Fear as an oldest of all human instincts + upcoming psychic-shaking factor would prevail in absolute majority of the cases - the refusal to drink red pills. Being enslaved but well-fed, what previously had ruled anti-Moses rebels to get back to the 'matrix' of Egypt, despite of all proofs of their non-occasional liberation that they saw. As it often, human mind gets fearful and refusing to go beyond commonly taught patterns of behavior: being back to feel physically safer, being counted like cattle of draught, digitalized, losing self-identity and became useful 'cipher' – seem more suitable to many individuals.
In other movie ' Nirvana' by Gabriele Salvatores, the hero after having experienced lots of colorful deja vu – not distinctive as to trace them, then tie it to some comprehensive chain of events, but distinctive enough for being able to predict what approximate way it would happen next – starts at last realizing of something wrong in the world he lives in. Very probably, he is not such a lunatic as he had thought of himself for all this time. Next, due to the script of the movie, he finally got enlightened because of the fact he is right about what had felt : he actually lives in a RPG-like simulated reality, for he had got recently an exhausting proof. That's why his deja-vus are nonrandom: they far more than just an awareness of the lunatic. After knowing it, he immediately decides to reveal the secret to her gir-friend, in order to help her get enlightened likewise. She agrees, smirking and half-sceptical, yet thinking that he, probably, still wants to entertain her this way. Next. He opens a door in the wardrobe and asks her in. What she see next shocked her and made her speechless: an endless black eternity with lighting bolts and lines on which shiny devices rushing to and fro. He closed the door. Then their dialogue goes on like:
'Now you see what actually our reality is' – he said. - You have known the truth.'
She seems silent, shocked and completely frustrated of what she just has seen. Next, a glimpse of smirk forced through her stupefaction, appeared on her face:
' Reality? What the knowledge of reality for? Wish I'd not know it at all! I know only what I feel. I know only one - I have to go to my hairdresser.'
However, hypothetically, how many of those strongly determined to know the truth would be numbered, if every one had been offered to make a Neo-like choice? Seems, an absolute minority. Fear as an oldest of all human instincts + upcoming psychic-shaking factor would prevail in absolute majority of the cases - the refusal to drink red pills. Being enslaved but well-fed, what previously had ruled anti-Moses rebels to get back to the 'matrix' of Egypt, despite of all proofs of their non-occasional liberation that they saw. As it often, human mind gets fearful and refusing to go beyond commonly taught patterns of behavior: being back to feel physically safer, being counted like cattle of draught, digitalized, losing self-identity and became useful 'cipher' – seem more suitable to many individuals.

In other movie ' Nirvana' by Gabriele Salvatores, the hero after having experienced lots of colorful deja vu – not distinctive as to trace them, then tie it to some comprehensive chain of events, but distinctive enough for being able to predict what approximate way it would happen next – starts at last realizing of something wrong in the world he lives in. Very probably, he is not such a lunatic as he had thought of himself for all this time. Next, due to the script of the movie, he finally got enlightened because of the fact he is right about what had felt : he actually lives in a RPG-like simulated reality, for he had got recently an exhausting proof. That's why his deja-vus are nonrandom: they far more than just an awareness of the lunatic. After knowing it, he immediately decides to reveal the secret to her gir-friend, in order to help her get enlightened likewise. She agrees, smirking and half-sceptical, yet thinking that he, probably, still wants to entertain her this way. Next. He opens a door in the wardrobe and asks her in. What she see next shocked her and made her speechless: an endless black eternity with lighting bolts and lines on which shiny devices rushing to and fro. He closed the door. Then their dialogue goes on like:
'Now you see what actually our reality is' – he said. - You have known the truth.'
She seems silent, shocked and completely frustrated of what she just has seen. Next, a glimpse of smirk forced through her stupefaction, appeared on her face:
' Reality? What the knowledge of reality for? Wish I'd not know it at all! I know only what I feel. I know only one - I have to go to my hairdresser.'
Cryptoanarchy, Waking Up
In November 22, 1992 ' The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto' was firstly published on the Net. The question suggests itself: is it still actual since that time? The answer's rhetorical: not just actual, it has grown increasingly burning.
First, 'cryptoanarhy' is said to have been coined by Vernor Vinge to summarize his views of privacy + freedom on the Net ( IMO, in more common sense – in virtual reality (VR) at all) to get rid of a global personal tracking system wanting to know not only who you are and where you are, not only what think but WHY you think in the way you do.
Later on, Timothy C. May, the author of Manifesto, explained it:
'What emerges from this is unclear, but I think it will be a form of anarcho-capitalist market system I call crypto-anarchy.'
Of course, it THAT context it has nothing to do with the term of anarchy in its modern interpretation done previously by Kropotkin.
Here is the full text of The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto:
'A specter is haunting the modern world, the specter of crypto anarchy.
Computer technology is on the verge of providing the ability for individuals and groups to communicate and interact with each other in a totally anonymous manner. Two persons may exchange messages, conduct business, and negotiate electronic contracts without ever knowing the True Name, or legal identity, of the other. Interactions over networks will be untraceable, via extensive re- routing of encrypted packets and tamper-proof boxes which implement cryptographic protocols with nearly perfect assurance against any tampering. Reputations will be of central importance, far more important in dealings than even the credit ratings of today. These developments will alter completely the nature of government regulation, the ability to tax and control economic interactions, the ability to keep information secret, and will even alter the nature of trust and reputation.
The technology for this revolution–and it surely will be both a social and economic revolution–has existed in theory for the past decade. The methods are based upon public-key encryption, zero-knowledge interactive proof systems, and various software protocols for interaction, authentication, and verification. The focus has until now been on academic conferences in Europe and the U.S., conferences monitored closely by the National Security Agency. But only recently have computer networks and personal computers attained sufficient speed to make the ideas practically realizable. And the next ten years will bring enough additional speed to make the ideas economically feasible and essentially unstoppable. High-speed networks, ISDN, tamper-proof boxes, smart cards, satellites, Ku-band transmitters, multi-MIPS personal computers, and encryption chips now under development will be some of the enabling technologies.
The State will of course try to slow or halt the spread of this technology, citing national security concerns, use of the technology by drug dealers and tax evaders, and fears of societal disintegration. Many of these concerns will be valid; crypto anarchy will allow national secrets to be trade freely and will allow illicit and stolen materials to be traded. An anonymous computerized market will even make possible abhorrent markets for assassinations and extortion. Various criminal and foreign elements will be active users of CryptoNet. But this will not halt the spread of crypto anarchy.
Just as the technology of printing altered and reduced the power of medieval guilds and the social power structure, so too will cryptologic methods fundamentally alter the nature of corporations and of government interference in economic transactions. Combined with emerging information markets, crypto anarchy will create a liquid market for any and all material which can be put into words and pictures. And just as a seemingly minor invention like barbed wire made possible the fencing-off of vast ranches and farms, thus altering forever the concepts of land and property rights in the frontier West, so too will the seemingly minor discovery out of an arcane branch of mathematics come to be the wire clippers which dismantle the barbed wire around intellectual property. Arise, you have nothing to lose but your barbed wire fences!'

First, 'cryptoanarhy' is said to have been coined by Vernor Vinge to summarize his views of privacy + freedom on the Net ( IMO, in more common sense – in virtual reality (VR) at all) to get rid of a global personal tracking system wanting to know not only who you are and where you are, not only what think but WHY you think in the way you do.

Later on, Timothy C. May, the author of Manifesto, explained it:
'What emerges from this is unclear, but I think it will be a form of anarcho-capitalist market system I call crypto-anarchy.'
Of course, it THAT context it has nothing to do with the term of anarchy in its modern interpretation done previously by Kropotkin.
Here is the full text of The Crypto Anarchist Manifesto:
'A specter is haunting the modern world, the specter of crypto anarchy.
Computer technology is on the verge of providing the ability for individuals and groups to communicate and interact with each other in a totally anonymous manner. Two persons may exchange messages, conduct business, and negotiate electronic contracts without ever knowing the True Name, or legal identity, of the other. Interactions over networks will be untraceable, via extensive re- routing of encrypted packets and tamper-proof boxes which implement cryptographic protocols with nearly perfect assurance against any tampering. Reputations will be of central importance, far more important in dealings than even the credit ratings of today. These developments will alter completely the nature of government regulation, the ability to tax and control economic interactions, the ability to keep information secret, and will even alter the nature of trust and reputation.
The technology for this revolution–and it surely will be both a social and economic revolution–has existed in theory for the past decade. The methods are based upon public-key encryption, zero-knowledge interactive proof systems, and various software protocols for interaction, authentication, and verification. The focus has until now been on academic conferences in Europe and the U.S., conferences monitored closely by the National Security Agency. But only recently have computer networks and personal computers attained sufficient speed to make the ideas practically realizable. And the next ten years will bring enough additional speed to make the ideas economically feasible and essentially unstoppable. High-speed networks, ISDN, tamper-proof boxes, smart cards, satellites, Ku-band transmitters, multi-MIPS personal computers, and encryption chips now under development will be some of the enabling technologies.
The State will of course try to slow or halt the spread of this technology, citing national security concerns, use of the technology by drug dealers and tax evaders, and fears of societal disintegration. Many of these concerns will be valid; crypto anarchy will allow national secrets to be trade freely and will allow illicit and stolen materials to be traded. An anonymous computerized market will even make possible abhorrent markets for assassinations and extortion. Various criminal and foreign elements will be active users of CryptoNet. But this will not halt the spread of crypto anarchy.
Just as the technology of printing altered and reduced the power of medieval guilds and the social power structure, so too will cryptologic methods fundamentally alter the nature of corporations and of government interference in economic transactions. Combined with emerging information markets, crypto anarchy will create a liquid market for any and all material which can be put into words and pictures. And just as a seemingly minor invention like barbed wire made possible the fencing-off of vast ranches and farms, thus altering forever the concepts of land and property rights in the frontier West, so too will the seemingly minor discovery out of an arcane branch of mathematics come to be the wire clippers which dismantle the barbed wire around intellectual property. Arise, you have nothing to lose but your barbed wire fences!'
The Samba Muses
Carnival is the third religious cult after roman-catholic Christianity and soccer in Brazil – no irony in these words. This cult has countless denominations and sub-denominations, parishes, followers, idols; this collective form of adoration varies in symbols of faith from one group to another all over the country. Absolute majority of Brazilians - I believe so - confess three cults in one time, but there is a minority that does something one apart.
The day before it seems Rio grows fussy, impulsive as if whole the city emitting fluids of impatience. Seems, every face in the streets you see from Ipanema to Tijuca- you see the look of 'hell, how I tired of waiting for it!'.
Up to the day Rio kept getting packed – a whole week before thousands inhabitants of Estado do Rio + tens of thousands tourists from around the world had been filling the city daily. Police squads in streets are visibly doubled, if not tripled. Close to midday almost all Rio' avenidas from East to West got swarmed.
Next up to the evening lots of those named bateria add to whose that already are the streets. Bateria is a huge group of people – up to 500 – an percussion orchestra performing batucada. All the percussionists are not professionals – 1/3 of them is a part of any Rio's club torcida ( this is not only in Rio, but everywhere in Brazil), other 2/3 represents any local samba school pertaining to Rio's certain district. The rhymes and sounds each bateria drums – no matter what the district it represents – very similar. What is not similar that is a color of bateria participants: no likehood admitted, at least it is an unwritten rule that no color ( + or a chord) should be repeated in clothes of bateria's members.
Deixa Falar, Mangueira, Mocidade, Beija-Flor and many others. These samba schools had been an endless rivalry between (mainly) Rio and San Paulo for years. Samba scholarship in Brazil is more than just a rivalry – it looks like way of lifestyles or even mentalities comparison. The same, I believe so, had been in Britain just 20 (plus or minus 5) years ago when there was not social networks and consolidation around football clubs weren't just the groups of soccer fans chatting who's good as defender or bad as a winger – it was, apart of soccer, a way of socialization of interests beyond football as the better, and as the worse, a kind of sectarian philosophy that now rules in Scotland between Сeltic and GR fans. It had been in time when soccer not yet grew enormously commercialized.
Samba as a way to express oneself through dance, differs a little from other world dances if we talk just about dances. But with regard to Carnival as the rivalry of samba schools, it tied with the thought 'what you want you say with your dance' as Brazilian carnival is unlike meaningless open air chill-out party: this is a well-staged theatrical show with clear-cut repertoire and scenario - themes can be taken from history, culture or politics – but ARE to be taken. Otherwise you won't be enrolled in Sambadrome list.
Carnival samba school performance is unbelievable without those who are to represent it skilfully and artistically – so-called 'muses' of the schools. Samba dance ( at least at the carnivals) is totally female job. The muse is a face of school, a cover girl we can see ahead of each bateria startsgoing along the sambadorme. It is so in any of Brazil cities. Before, as a rule, the muse had beem selected by barteria + all the people relating to a specific school. I had thought before that all the carvival muses are professionals, but I was wrong . Actually, it is srongly on competitive basis. What's require for this? First, it is natural beauty of applicants. In Brazil, the criteria of female beauty are slightly other than in Europe: IMO, it is a vital ( not anorexic like one's of fashion stereotypes) body with relief hips and shaped buttocks and breast. Second, being a perfect samba dancer. Third, it is one's natural artistry. Finally, the perfect taste in - well, call it 'outerwear' a short strips on body decorated with plume + semiprecious stones.
It is a really great honour to be elected a 'musa da escola'. Thousand of pretty women + artful samba dancers apply to the contests but only bests of the bests are finally hounored to get the muse and represent the school.
So what do I think about it? Amazing. Stunning.)
What making life full of color.
FotoBR - Copyright©
The day before it seems Rio grows fussy, impulsive as if whole the city emitting fluids of impatience. Seems, every face in the streets you see from Ipanema to Tijuca- you see the look of 'hell, how I tired of waiting for it!'.

Up to the day Rio kept getting packed – a whole week before thousands inhabitants of Estado do Rio + tens of thousands tourists from around the world had been filling the city daily. Police squads in streets are visibly doubled, if not tripled. Close to midday almost all Rio' avenidas from East to West got swarmed.

Next up to the evening lots of those named bateria add to whose that already are the streets. Bateria is a huge group of people – up to 500 – an percussion orchestra performing batucada. All the percussionists are not professionals – 1/3 of them is a part of any Rio's club torcida ( this is not only in Rio, but everywhere in Brazil), other 2/3 represents any local samba school pertaining to Rio's certain district. The rhymes and sounds each bateria drums – no matter what the district it represents – very similar. What is not similar that is a color of bateria participants: no likehood admitted, at least it is an unwritten rule that no color ( + or a chord) should be repeated in clothes of bateria's members.

Deixa Falar, Mangueira, Mocidade, Beija-Flor and many others. These samba schools had been an endless rivalry between (mainly) Rio and San Paulo for years. Samba scholarship in Brazil is more than just a rivalry – it looks like way of lifestyles or even mentalities comparison. The same, I believe so, had been in Britain just 20 (plus or minus 5) years ago when there was not social networks and consolidation around football clubs weren't just the groups of soccer fans chatting who's good as defender or bad as a winger – it was, apart of soccer, a way of socialization of interests beyond football as the better, and as the worse, a kind of sectarian philosophy that now rules in Scotland between Сeltic and GR fans. It had been in time when soccer not yet grew enormously commercialized.
Samba as a way to express oneself through dance, differs a little from other world dances if we talk just about dances. But with regard to Carnival as the rivalry of samba schools, it tied with the thought 'what you want you say with your dance' as Brazilian carnival is unlike meaningless open air chill-out party: this is a well-staged theatrical show with clear-cut repertoire and scenario - themes can be taken from history, culture or politics – but ARE to be taken. Otherwise you won't be enrolled in Sambadrome list.

Carnival samba school performance is unbelievable without those who are to represent it skilfully and artistically – so-called 'muses' of the schools. Samba dance ( at least at the carnivals) is totally female job. The muse is a face of school, a cover girl we can see ahead of each bateria startsgoing along the sambadorme. It is so in any of Brazil cities. Before, as a rule, the muse had beem selected by barteria + all the people relating to a specific school. I had thought before that all the carvival muses are professionals, but I was wrong . Actually, it is srongly on competitive basis. What's require for this? First, it is natural beauty of applicants. In Brazil, the criteria of female beauty are slightly other than in Europe: IMO, it is a vital ( not anorexic like one's of fashion stereotypes) body with relief hips and shaped buttocks and breast. Second, being a perfect samba dancer. Third, it is one's natural artistry. Finally, the perfect taste in - well, call it 'outerwear' a short strips on body decorated with plume + semiprecious stones.
It is a really great honour to be elected a 'musa da escola'. Thousand of pretty women + artful samba dancers apply to the contests but only bests of the bests are finally hounored to get the muse and represent the school.
So what do I think about it? Amazing. Stunning.)
What making life full of color.
FotoBR - Copyright©

Cryptoanarchy, Sleeping II
The problem of self-identity in simulated reality, seems to stepping back as deep inside as the definition of 'reality' gets smudged over the years. In earlier centuries, 'land', 'language', 'architecture' 'natural landscape' and other concepts thanks to which an archetype of one's fatherland could be spotted easily to a single person, now losing their priorities.
In fact, what the world faces now, is a confrontation of 2 mentalities: the first 'patriarchal', rooted deeply to a value of geographical place, history and social, culture + religious traditions , and the second 'technogenic', where all of the said above have a secondary meaning: as these above grow progressively unstable as 'material code' of self-identity, so no matter what is your gender, age, nationality or physical data, - what is you as acting part to use technical advancements + how you quickly can operate huge mass of data to structure it, then use it well – this is of more importance.
In fact, what the world faces now, is a confrontation of 2 mentalities: the first 'patriarchal', rooted deeply to a value of geographical place, history and social, culture + religious traditions , and the second 'technogenic', where all of the said above have a secondary meaning: as these above grow progressively unstable as 'material code' of self-identity, so no matter what is your gender, age, nationality or physical data, - what is you as acting part to use technical advancements + how you quickly can operate huge mass of data to structure it, then use it well – this is of more importance.
Cryptoanarchy, Sleeping
In ' Matrix', amongst the rebels, was a hero with the nick 'Cipher', that , while his being in the anti-Matrix environment, bore a strangely self-speaking pro-Matrix name. ( Strange, DOES it mean generally that cypher as a bearer of informaiton more competitive, in syntax context, than word ?) I believe it had been especially invented by authors for bearing the double meaning. Also, his name so close to word 'safer', by ear. 'Safe' for Cipher must have been meant 'be virtually safe of the real world which I live in'. He preferred to disappear as human being carrying an unique real code of self- awareness and become a namely 'cipher' in the world of simulation as part of numerous programs that Matrix creates.
As a part of the deal, Cipher was to be a 'backdoor agent' in order to let Matrix use his body for evil deeds against Zion's defenders.
As a part of the deal, Cipher was to be a 'backdoor agent' in order to let Matrix use his body for evil deeds against Zion's defenders.
Grace vs Mr. Smith, II
'Grace' means both female name and human virtue. Once, thinking if Grace weren't the same, stayed unchanged, and the events in the story hadn't got the turn when she reaches a critical mass in her suffering and became a rebel + her father found her in exactly ' right time' – I supposed then: what would it be and how would be changed her environment, by these circumstances? As a matter of fact, by these unchanged conditions, the Grace's story would have been ended up with a total uncertainty – as no any logical issue is foreseen out of it. Very probably, she would have died of moral and physical humiliation, or commited a suicide, or - well, got mutated into one of Dogville's species.
The key moment of the story is, when Grace, after having experienced her own Disgrace, got enlightened, then came to the idea – like a Neo that have finally got an ability to see the Matirx code – of she is totally 'other', and they all are human-shaped walking aliens that mentally+ ethically are living in their own dimension while, physically, are in the same like her – whatever any one do to be usually kind and gentle toward them, it'd ultimately be a bug in their code processing: they'll have an ability to read a message, but surely unable to understand it. Any attempt to reassure, explain or suggest your own chain of logical motives will be prognostically falllacious. It's like to pray a virus not to be a virus. Or tells gnat not to suck blood – yes, it would, hypothetically, but it it'd be a nature deviation and, in this case, it will definitely die.
If you look at Grace from this angle of view, you would understand that striking irony in her story is not that Grace became willingly disgraceful out of revenge, but, very probably through self-preservation lest should be one of such zombies – as BY THEN, after meeting with his as-God-almighty father, she finally had come to the idea of being impossible to stay graceful and humble here, even if she does her best - in any case it'd be falsely interpreted. So, as they are all had become kinda viruses using a form of human values and concepts, deliberately misuse it = deviate everything that is love, grace, mercy etc. - in what that human beings are similar to God– so they even more dangerous that sincere evil-doers, making bad deeds in open. That's why nothing good will come out of them –
God had died in Dogville many years ago - instead Him, all this time a God-simulation program had been working – in order not to split mind of the inhabitants of the village.
In the final 'Matrix' sequel, Neo having finally understood that Matrix is more a physical fact that an opponents to humans ( as it virtually turned out to be a parasite on humans, to survive; although humans are enslaved, but still alive) - as before, as wholly AI self-aware mind, it had an awareness of its own being. God of humans had died in human minds, - One as a product of Matrix simulation appeared as a true and real for blue pills drinkers, but became surrogate for all who had preferred drinking red pills.
Neo, on the eve his final battle, had a face to face talk to Matrix, to stop Smith as it ( i.e. Smith) is going to be alter-Matrix , yet carries nothing except destruction both to humans and machines. So, in order to save the world, Neo wanted Matrix to be an ally. But before, he got blind. Must be in order no to discriminate what deception physical world would conceal.
Dogville is, allegorically, a sophisticated system of deployment code of Matrix into a fictional platform + time and space. So, by example of this place, it seems to be like an 'insideout Marix' – need no more to deliver world of machines, as before all the people had already became the machines running Matrix-suggested processes and living their emulative realities on. Any one whose code is other as one of these, became a 'battery' and will be used + disgraced like Grace. But. No human is able to destroy machines as good as another machine that exceeds it in might. It can be other-code-Matrix-like system. If you want to win, you should ask it for help= be a part of other evil, to fight a bigger one. So the prodigal daughter is back to his almighty god-with-machine-guns Father, to terminate the bunch of rootkits, to get a part of other viruses, as a price in change.
The key moment of the story is, when Grace, after having experienced her own Disgrace, got enlightened, then came to the idea – like a Neo that have finally got an ability to see the Matirx code – of she is totally 'other', and they all are human-shaped walking aliens that mentally+ ethically are living in their own dimension while, physically, are in the same like her – whatever any one do to be usually kind and gentle toward them, it'd ultimately be a bug in their code processing: they'll have an ability to read a message, but surely unable to understand it. Any attempt to reassure, explain or suggest your own chain of logical motives will be prognostically falllacious. It's like to pray a virus not to be a virus. Or tells gnat not to suck blood – yes, it would, hypothetically, but it it'd be a nature deviation and, in this case, it will definitely die.
If you look at Grace from this angle of view, you would understand that striking irony in her story is not that Grace became willingly disgraceful out of revenge, but, very probably through self-preservation lest should be one of such zombies – as BY THEN, after meeting with his as-God-almighty father, she finally had come to the idea of being impossible to stay graceful and humble here, even if she does her best - in any case it'd be falsely interpreted. So, as they are all had become kinda viruses using a form of human values and concepts, deliberately misuse it = deviate everything that is love, grace, mercy etc. - in what that human beings are similar to God– so they even more dangerous that sincere evil-doers, making bad deeds in open. That's why nothing good will come out of them –
God had died in Dogville many years ago - instead Him, all this time a God-simulation program had been working – in order not to split mind of the inhabitants of the village.
In the final 'Matrix' sequel, Neo having finally understood that Matrix is more a physical fact that an opponents to humans ( as it virtually turned out to be a parasite on humans, to survive; although humans are enslaved, but still alive) - as before, as wholly AI self-aware mind, it had an awareness of its own being. God of humans had died in human minds, - One as a product of Matrix simulation appeared as a true and real for blue pills drinkers, but became surrogate for all who had preferred drinking red pills.
Neo, on the eve his final battle, had a face to face talk to Matrix, to stop Smith as it ( i.e. Smith) is going to be alter-Matrix , yet carries nothing except destruction both to humans and machines. So, in order to save the world, Neo wanted Matrix to be an ally. But before, he got blind. Must be in order no to discriminate what deception physical world would conceal.
Dogville is, allegorically, a sophisticated system of deployment code of Matrix into a fictional platform + time and space. So, by example of this place, it seems to be like an 'insideout Marix' – need no more to deliver world of machines, as before all the people had already became the machines running Matrix-suggested processes and living their emulative realities on. Any one whose code is other as one of these, became a 'battery' and will be used + disgraced like Grace. But. No human is able to destroy machines as good as another machine that exceeds it in might. It can be other-code-Matrix-like system. If you want to win, you should ask it for help= be a part of other evil, to fight a bigger one. So the prodigal daughter is back to his almighty god-with-machine-guns Father, to terminate the bunch of rootkits, to get a part of other viruses, as a price in change.
Grace vs Mr. Smith, I
Many times since my childhood up to now I have been getting caught up in doubt of why the world the way it is, not other way. Why so many pain around. Why decent, gentlest and kindest people I knew, leaving this world like candles with some fatal and deadly UNJUST wind, the logical reason of its selective action I never understood, while scums keep enjoying their lives feeling no slightest pang of remorse for all the accomplished. Why so many untruth around. Where God and what is His will –
I know that world have not changed a least since writing Psalm 73. After all, why I am here and what for. What can I do to change any thing. Would I at all, if I might?
The stoic rule 'si fractus illabatur orbis, impavidum ferient ruinae' is fine and sounds brave.
Its plus in its all-mighty statement of transience of a world around you, and the proffessing of eternity of your inner space. And its lack in Martix-like must-have imperative alienation to human nature as the preliminary term for this.
I remember Mother Theresa – as now I DID know that she felt the same like me in latest years of her life: actually, this holy woman was on the edge of her inner split and close to despair, because of the doubts and dilemmas of what she see with what she had been taught of God's presence, His will, mercy and retaliation. –

Glamour vs Antiglamour
Had a day ago watched a record of Gordon's program 'Glamour vs Antiglamour'. In author's attitude, it was quite correctly reasoned as a key factor led people to the state that we now in: a global crisis resulted out of negative human nature as greed, vanity and being well-off at all costs - to make a lots of people irresolvable shop addicts + bank loan zombies; all of it had been urged by hedonistically oriented mass media. So, partly it echoes the previous topic of nature of money.
The year keeps harvesting mortal data…
The year keeps harvesting mortal data. Another friend that I knew died. I had spoken to him just in August - I found him quite sound by then: I had known previously the fact he was ill with cancer, but, as far as I found him, I supposed it to be an initial stage of the illness – so smiling, enthusiastic and totally vital he looked. I never imagined how quickly it might progress. He was a good friend and talented musician, good father of 2 kids. RIP.
When I looked at these first…
When I looked at these first, I immediately remember the 5-year-old conference, as one Welshman named Paul was saying to his friend in my presence on where a biggest booze party except Octoberfest is - by then, I suppose so, the Welshman must have been sure about himself as a perfect wisecracker : ' you know Russia are world's greatest experts in booze and being rampant!'
This is a center of Cardiff. The shots had been taken in 2009 by Polish student Maciej Dakowicz. Shortly after publishing in media, they provoked shock for many British that sincerely feel ashamed for the behavior of these disgraceful chavs and chavettes.
This is a center of Cardiff. The shots had been taken in 2009 by Polish student Maciej Dakowicz. Shortly after publishing in media, they provoked shock for many British that sincerely feel ashamed for the behavior of these disgraceful chavs and chavettes.

Man of Science vs Man of Faith, II
" Alice sighed wearily. `I think you might do something better with the time,' she said, `than waste it in asking riddles that have no answers.'
`If you knew Time as well as I do,' said the Hatter, `you wouldn't talk about wasting it. It's him.'
`I don't know what you mean,' said Alice.
`Of course you don't!' the Hatter said, tossing his head contemptuously. `I dare say you never even spoke to Time!'
`Perhaps not,' Alice cautiously replied: `but I know I have to beat time when I learn music.'
`Ah! that accounts for it,' said the Hatter. `He won't stand beating. Now, if you only kept on good terms with him, he'd do almost anything you liked with the clock. For instance, suppose it were nine o'clock in the morning, just time to begin lessons: you'd only have to whisper a hint to Time, and round goes the clock in a twinkling! Half-past one, time for dinner!'
(`I only wish it was,' the March Hare said to itself in a whisper.)
`That would be grand, certainly,' said Alice thoughtfully: `but then–I shouldn't be hungry for it, you know.'
`Not at first, perhaps,' said the Hatter: `but you could keep it to half-past one as long as you liked.'
`Is that the way you manage?' Alice asked.
The Hatter shook his head mournfully. `Not I!' he replied. `We quarrelled last March–just before he went mad, you know–' (pointing with his tea spoon at the March Hare,) `–it was at the great concert given by the Queen of Hearts, and I had to sing
"Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!
How I wonder what you're at!"
You know the song, perhaps?'
`I've heard something like it,' said Alice.
`It goes on, you know,' the Hatter continued, `in this way:–
"Up above the world you fly,
Like a tea-tray in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle–"'
Here the Dormouse shook itself, and began singing in its sleep `Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle–' and went on so long that they had to pinch it to make it stop.
`Well, I'd hardly finished the first verse,' said the Hatter, `when the Queen jumped up and bawled out, "He's murdering the time! Off with his head!"' ( Lewis Carroll)
So, was Mad Hatter truly insane in his attempts to cheat Time? Yes, if you stay in front of the mirror – in this case the term implies his insanity as a visible deviancy. On the other hand, he isn't: as in the behind-the-mirror world Time has its own physical ways of being, no matter how some one could be aware of it.
Alice is an unique observer: she is able to discriminate Time+Space, both outside and inside the mirror as one of scenarios of the current physical event = she a priori doesn't accepts her reality as a fancy, hypothetic or split . Other adult ( experienced) people are either 'normally' insane to her both in front of/inside the mirror, - as it would cause a dissociation of personality because of dual evaluation of such a type of physical realism. But for other insiders/outsiders the term ' insanity' may be equally used to each of the sides – it'd be equally correct, depending on which the observer discribe other's world. The Hatter doesn't seem to be mad to her, and his quirkiness to treat-time-as-he-feel-it-now could actually be one of most effective tactics to hack Time Program that runs in its own peculiar way here, by using backdoor virus like his simulation of ' awareness of Time' - who knows.
In there, trough-looking-glass world, Heisenberg uncertainty principle as
Δx х Δv > h/m
doesn't work.
That's to say, it works only in a sub-system of a subject ( in this case for any single onserver: if all that had to happen will happen, it will be with one's cycles of events). All that happens next, would change the form of events but NOT the result of them. Stoics believed in destiny absolutely on metaphysic basis, they coined a term of “fatum” and “ amor fati” ( love to fate) irrespectively of notion of God – what could happen, is to happen irrespectively of you will.
Nicola Tesla was believed to see 'crux of the matter' of objects he explored in forms of invisible electromagnetic aura that he was able to feel and understand the way as if they were alive. But he felt difficulty do describe how he does it. In this interaction, he was able, also, to retrieve hidden sorts of information but didn't know what and where the source of it is. Tesla had no need in computation while projecting his inventions as he migh foresee a final result. He was sure of the fact that Universe has a kind of all-information cluster there disposed a knowledge base of 'what' and 'how' from macro to micro. It is accessible to everyone, just need to be tuned - in narrow sense it highlights Pythagorean idea of tunes that Universe emmits.
`If you knew Time as well as I do,' said the Hatter, `you wouldn't talk about wasting it. It's him.'
`I don't know what you mean,' said Alice.
`Of course you don't!' the Hatter said, tossing his head contemptuously. `I dare say you never even spoke to Time!'
`Perhaps not,' Alice cautiously replied: `but I know I have to beat time when I learn music.'
`Ah! that accounts for it,' said the Hatter. `He won't stand beating. Now, if you only kept on good terms with him, he'd do almost anything you liked with the clock. For instance, suppose it were nine o'clock in the morning, just time to begin lessons: you'd only have to whisper a hint to Time, and round goes the clock in a twinkling! Half-past one, time for dinner!'
(`I only wish it was,' the March Hare said to itself in a whisper.)
`That would be grand, certainly,' said Alice thoughtfully: `but then–I shouldn't be hungry for it, you know.'
`Not at first, perhaps,' said the Hatter: `but you could keep it to half-past one as long as you liked.'
`Is that the way you manage?' Alice asked.
The Hatter shook his head mournfully. `Not I!' he replied. `We quarrelled last March–just before he went mad, you know–' (pointing with his tea spoon at the March Hare,) `–it was at the great concert given by the Queen of Hearts, and I had to sing
"Twinkle, twinkle, little bat!
How I wonder what you're at!"
You know the song, perhaps?'
`I've heard something like it,' said Alice.
`It goes on, you know,' the Hatter continued, `in this way:–
"Up above the world you fly,
Like a tea-tray in the sky.
Twinkle, twinkle–"'
Here the Dormouse shook itself, and began singing in its sleep `Twinkle, twinkle, twinkle, twinkle–' and went on so long that they had to pinch it to make it stop.
`Well, I'd hardly finished the first verse,' said the Hatter, `when the Queen jumped up and bawled out, "He's murdering the time! Off with his head!"' ( Lewis Carroll)

So, was Mad Hatter truly insane in his attempts to cheat Time? Yes, if you stay in front of the mirror – in this case the term implies his insanity as a visible deviancy. On the other hand, he isn't: as in the behind-the-mirror world Time has its own physical ways of being, no matter how some one could be aware of it.
Alice is an unique observer: she is able to discriminate Time+Space, both outside and inside the mirror as one of scenarios of the current physical event = she a priori doesn't accepts her reality as a fancy, hypothetic or split . Other adult ( experienced) people are either 'normally' insane to her both in front of/inside the mirror, - as it would cause a dissociation of personality because of dual evaluation of such a type of physical realism. But for other insiders/outsiders the term ' insanity' may be equally used to each of the sides – it'd be equally correct, depending on which the observer discribe other's world. The Hatter doesn't seem to be mad to her, and his quirkiness to treat-time-as-he-feel-it-now could actually be one of most effective tactics to hack Time Program that runs in its own peculiar way here, by using backdoor virus like his simulation of ' awareness of Time' - who knows.
In there, trough-looking-glass world, Heisenberg uncertainty principle as
Δx х Δv > h/m
doesn't work.
That's to say, it works only in a sub-system of a subject ( in this case for any single onserver: if all that had to happen will happen, it will be with one's cycles of events). All that happens next, would change the form of events but NOT the result of them. Stoics believed in destiny absolutely on metaphysic basis, they coined a term of “fatum” and “ amor fati” ( love to fate) irrespectively of notion of God – what could happen, is to happen irrespectively of you will.
Nicola Tesla was believed to see 'crux of the matter' of objects he explored in forms of invisible electromagnetic aura that he was able to feel and understand the way as if they were alive. But he felt difficulty do describe how he does it. In this interaction, he was able, also, to retrieve hidden sorts of information but didn't know what and where the source of it is. Tesla had no need in computation while projecting his inventions as he migh foresee a final result. He was sure of the fact that Universe has a kind of all-information cluster there disposed a knowledge base of 'what' and 'how' from macro to micro. It is accessible to everyone, just need to be tuned - in narrow sense it highlights Pythagorean idea of tunes that Universe emmits.
One more black widow man-trapping guide. Funny…
One more black widow man-trapping guide. Funny, yet sad, in one time. IMO, rather more sad than funny. This book, prefaced as
" Uncover Powerful Insider Secrets of How To Attract & Turn The Man Of Your Desire Into Your Puppy And Let Your Girlfriends Look At You With Jealousy…" - going for 37$ per unit on the site with self-speaking name http://www.becomeabitch.com/.
Well good luck and nice bitching. I as a male rather suggest to smile at:
" Uncover Powerful Insider Secrets of How To Attract & Turn The Man Of Your Desire Into Your Puppy And Let Your Girlfriends Look At You With Jealousy…" - going for 37$ per unit on the site with self-speaking name http://www.becomeabitch.com/.
Well good luck and nice bitching. I as a male rather suggest to smile at:
Forgotten melodies of childhood
I remember seventies, winter, snow. I remember that day. Early in the morning, I was laying in the bed, not yet awoke, cuddling up to the cover in the wall, smiling and thinking of how it is good to be aware that I am. Mum was cooking in the kitchen. I felt, half-aslept, smells of porridge and coffee coming out of there. The radio emitted sounds; usually in the mornings from 6 to 8 a.m. it was broadcasting various melodies. I smiled at those that I liked right from the first time, which embedded in my memory lifelong - kind, fairy and touching.
The group 'Rococo' is very singular. I hardly can remember any other musicians in the world that did the similiar. The group was found in 1967 in Russia by the musician + composer Anatoly Bykanov. The main part of the repertoire were own modern-harmonically-composed melodies skilfully arranged in the XVII century manner of performance. Plus a lot of other popular melodies arranged + improvised in this style, with additional tints of jazz, swing, bossa.
The group 'Rococo' is very singular. I hardly can remember any other musicians in the world that did the similiar. The group was found in 1967 in Russia by the musician + composer Anatoly Bykanov. The main part of the repertoire were own modern-harmonically-composed melodies skilfully arranged in the XVII century manner of performance. Plus a lot of other popular melodies arranged + improvised in this style, with additional tints of jazz, swing, bossa.
Destiny vs Free Will, II Mirror Reversal
So, what about if all in our life is not happen, but a kind of destiny. What of all we do, speak, think, love, imagine, dislike etc. is not spontaneous or due to our wish to do, but a driver-like program to balance pendulum-like to all system that we live in? What if space-time singularity is absolutely hypothetic, and a subject could come in and come out through the point no return like Alice's journey through mirror. We can see things that may be happpened with us, but completely unaware of the reasons why it may be happened. Therefore, the basic incongruence between our sense and sensibility is one of our interpretation of duality as a phenomenon both for speculative and empiric cognizers. It, in its turn, automatically implies the system of sings and symbols for each of sizes of this duality that should be marked to be read and understood. In general sense, it is a language problem.
Gilles Deleuze in 'The Logic of Sense' said about duality-for-us and duality-as-it-is on Alice's example: coming trough looking glass means coming from denotation to
When I watched Mirror first, I failed divesting myself of an idea about the duality I see is not subjective, fantastic, but objective + IS an organic part of the protagonist life. It was seen from outside by an observer, unlike mystification or kind of far-fetched sci-fi overthought approach, but as a reality as much plausible as it'd be seem your own…Many years later, after reading Deleuze and his approch of interpretation Carroll's allegoric language, I thought exactly about the context of ' duality of reality' and about the image of 'mirror' used by Andrey Tarkovski as a perfect kind of all-fixing, all-observing + registering tool, so to speak, to 'expose you to yourself as present, past and future'.
I thought by then about myself: it is, probably, only me who think like that about the movie + remembering Deleuze's phrases…
Just recently while surfing Net, I encountered a curious article by an author named Kierran Horner who echoed + develops Tarkovsky anti-profane hidden meaning of the movie + exactly reffering it rihgt to Deleuze's thoughts.
'‘Not that the cinematic image can be divided and segmented against its time-nature, current time cannot be removed from it. The image becomes authentically cinematic when (amongst other things) not only does it live within time, but time also lives within it, even within each separate frame.’ (Tarkovsky 1988: 68)
'It is time itself which arises in the crystal, and which is constantly recommending its dividing in two without completing it, since the indiscernible exchange is always renewed and reproduced. The ‘direct time-image’ or the transcendental form of time is what we see in the crystal;…(they) should therefore be called mirrors or seeds of time.’ (Deleuze 2005b: 262-263)
Tarkovsky intrinsically fuses the Maroussia of the past and present, using the mirror surface as the point at which they meet; suggesting that there is no dichotomy of these two aspects of time. This assertion is most apparent in the final scenes of Mirror. The narrator/Alexei is, throughout, a disembodied voice, he is not even in possession of a present image; his past has failed to create one for him. His conspicuous physical absence is reflected in that of his father’s absence from many of the childhood scenes and that of Tarkovsky’s own father’s prominent yet ethereal voice reciting his poetry throughout. The men/fathers of Mirror have limited, or entirely lacking, physical manifestations, in opposition to those of the women/mothers. This recurring lack suggests that the problems of the past are repeated in the present, borne out in scenes between the father/Alexei and Natalya, such as the one preceding the matador anecdote. This scene begins, tellingly, with Natalya looking in a mirror and noticing with horror how Ignat is becoming like Alexei, and, after more dialogue, Alexei suggesting that the reason that he (Alexei) is so demanding is that he was brought up by women, and advises that Natalya should remarry if she does not want their son to turn out the same. The past, again, influences the present, from generation to generation.
The coda of Mirror begins with what is ostensibly the narrator’s death or, at least, it is the ‘perception-image’ from which the final scenes are realised. In it, the audience are shown the narrator/Alexei in a physical manifestation, for the first and only time, although only from the shoulders down, as he lies on a bed. He grasps a small bird from the mattress beside him and, with a sigh, releases the bird into the air, signifying his passing: only at the moment of his death can he have a present image. After this scene the conventional boundaries of time that Tarkovsky has persistently and consistently flaunted are finally violated thoroughly, ‘a merging of time frames…’ as Johnson and Petrie suggest (129). http://filmint.nu/?p=1787

Gilles Deleuze in 'The Logic of Sense' said about duality-for-us and duality-as-it-is on Alice's example: coming trough looking glass means coming from denotation to
non stop, without manifestation and signification ( i.e. speech, emotional reaction, any action) that are meant as 'spans', or else it is the reaching an area where language relates to not what it designates, but to what it expresses ( or else, to its meaning). In this respect 'duality', seems, moving inward.When I watched Mirror first, I failed divesting myself of an idea about the duality I see is not subjective, fantastic, but objective + IS an organic part of the protagonist life. It was seen from outside by an observer, unlike mystification or kind of far-fetched sci-fi overthought approach, but as a reality as much plausible as it'd be seem your own…Many years later, after reading Deleuze and his approch of interpretation Carroll's allegoric language, I thought exactly about the context of ' duality of reality' and about the image of 'mirror' used by Andrey Tarkovski as a perfect kind of all-fixing, all-observing + registering tool, so to speak, to 'expose you to yourself as present, past and future'.
I thought by then about myself: it is, probably, only me who think like that about the movie + remembering Deleuze's phrases…
Just recently while surfing Net, I encountered a curious article by an author named Kierran Horner who echoed + develops Tarkovsky anti-profane hidden meaning of the movie + exactly reffering it rihgt to Deleuze's thoughts.
'‘Not that the cinematic image can be divided and segmented against its time-nature, current time cannot be removed from it. The image becomes authentically cinematic when (amongst other things) not only does it live within time, but time also lives within it, even within each separate frame.’ (Tarkovsky 1988: 68)
'It is time itself which arises in the crystal, and which is constantly recommending its dividing in two without completing it, since the indiscernible exchange is always renewed and reproduced. The ‘direct time-image’ or the transcendental form of time is what we see in the crystal;…(they) should therefore be called mirrors or seeds of time.’ (Deleuze 2005b: 262-263)
Tarkovsky intrinsically fuses the Maroussia of the past and present, using the mirror surface as the point at which they meet; suggesting that there is no dichotomy of these two aspects of time. This assertion is most apparent in the final scenes of Mirror. The narrator/Alexei is, throughout, a disembodied voice, he is not even in possession of a present image; his past has failed to create one for him. His conspicuous physical absence is reflected in that of his father’s absence from many of the childhood scenes and that of Tarkovsky’s own father’s prominent yet ethereal voice reciting his poetry throughout. The men/fathers of Mirror have limited, or entirely lacking, physical manifestations, in opposition to those of the women/mothers. This recurring lack suggests that the problems of the past are repeated in the present, borne out in scenes between the father/Alexei and Natalya, such as the one preceding the matador anecdote. This scene begins, tellingly, with Natalya looking in a mirror and noticing with horror how Ignat is becoming like Alexei, and, after more dialogue, Alexei suggesting that the reason that he (Alexei) is so demanding is that he was brought up by women, and advises that Natalya should remarry if she does not want their son to turn out the same. The past, again, influences the present, from generation to generation.
The coda of Mirror begins with what is ostensibly the narrator’s death or, at least, it is the ‘perception-image’ from which the final scenes are realised. In it, the audience are shown the narrator/Alexei in a physical manifestation, for the first and only time, although only from the shoulders down, as he lies on a bed. He grasps a small bird from the mattress beside him and, with a sigh, releases the bird into the air, signifying his passing: only at the moment of his death can he have a present image. After this scene the conventional boundaries of time that Tarkovsky has persistently and consistently flaunted are finally violated thoroughly, ‘a merging of time frames…’ as Johnson and Petrie suggest (129). http://filmint.nu/?p=1787
Destiny vs Free Will, I
What is to be meant as 'to feel lucky' and 'to feel unlucky'. 'Fortune' and 'misfortune'. Вeing 'happy' and 'unhappy'. Semantically, all these concepts having /non-having a single prefix, that is SEEN and was invented to change the meaning of a word to its antipode.
Prefix. Fix…
What about the possibility not just to read, but to feel this prefix as a real fact? If so, what would it be? What would be 'the prefix' as not a characters but something material , something real from which the course of events would be changed from positive to negative and vice versa?
I think all it definitely would be a tiny fact, a little event or insignificant thing that actually ( but we unaware about it) turns out to be a most important gear in all the chain of events. Something alike Bradbury's The butterfly Effect.
Sometimes the facet between what we feel - either positive or negative - so fuzzy that cannot be determined clear. It was always a puzzle to me how to discriminate what actually you feel more while you are feeling both the positive and the negative in one time…
I noticed I'm getting inclined to consider 'fatal days' or 'lucky days' in one's life cycle - what astrologers or numerologist are so insisting of – as something not quite supernatural, but way 'being determined by а time-space quantum precedence for a single observer', scientifically. It reminds a feeling of 'unaware dicer': you play without discriminating rolls, asking yourself of why all of it happens like that - i.e. you do what you do - and why all of it so differs from what you had thought before… thought of free will and destiny.
23th Octorber 2011. 10:20
The morning was fine. I knew that my daughter with her husband had flied to Turkey on Friday, to see places near a lake named Van.
23th October 2011.14:20
I knew from media, that a strong earthquake happened in eastern Turkey near the city Van. I give a phone call, another, third…In vain tried I to call her both by mobiles and voip, it was silence on the other side. I felt totally frustrated and my heart was bleeding…
23th October 2011.17:30
Keep ringing. The phones out of range.
23th Octorber 2011.20:30
My mobile rung and displayed an unknown number. What I was informed was quite other kind of information, aside of what happened in Turkey. It was a very sad new…
One person, a young woman I knew, died. Supposed to be a suicide. I feel shocked as no later than one month I saw her. I like her and always felt friendly to her.
By then I found her well, had a short talk to her; she smiled and seems alright…however, well I cautiously noted in myself, that her smile seems a kind more polite than usual, and her eyes this day seemed a bit sadden about someone or something… That day we had met each other in a public place as two passers-by; no long talk being meant. I was in hurry. Either, I suppose, she was. However, I felt inside while we started talking, she seemed to want me to stay me a little longer to keep talking. I felt it by then. Very probably she wanted to say to me of what she had been thinking all this time, but not yet decided to. I didn't know what and now will never know what it is…Now I feel angry for myself. If I only knew what is was – it might have been leading her to what she did - I'd try to reassure her + would help as much as I could. I had a good chance to stop it, at least to try to save a single human life! I really catching myself up of what the fool I am as just not to suppose the fact that she just might feel uneasy to talk to me about her troubles, yet obviously anticipating not to look as a bother - while I HAVING seen visibly something wrong with her was so dumbassedly tactless as to being a complete near-sighted idiot …Whether or not what happened, IS happened, helas. I still cannot believe it…She was a single mother of two children. A pretty, slim, a bit naïve young woman with big blue eyes. When I saw her last time I found her anorexic: I thought she is generally fine, but must have been excessively obsessed with a fat-fight idea fix, but in fact I got mistaken- it has been caused by other strictly psychological reasons like her environment and, partly, her own attitude to her life – I before had known her taking some things too hard. Later from one of her relatives, I had known the details that followed it. Well. Her first marriage was not happy. When she met her second husband she seemed absolutely happy. She loved that man sincerely and deeply, and wanted to have a child. But. The life maybe full of surprises. Unpleasant sometime… Her husband turned out to be a hard junkie . She previously had little known this fact - during 2 years of their family life, he had managed somehow to ably hide all the traces of his addiction. To time that she had it obvious, she got pregnant with 3 month kid. All this time all the money (both that had been spared + current) were leeched to the addiction – and he always lied her under various excuses where it goes for- up to the state of completely being out of cash to buy to herself a minimal foodstuffs to breastfeed a child in full . One day that man run away as she + children were outside. Next she knew was the fact he had a crime committed and was under recognizance not to leave. It was not the worse. The second was worse – he had a lot of debts, including big sums of money for 'business' loaned from the bank unofficially reputed as totally 'criminal' and 'mafia laundry'… So far, it is all that I know. Also I know that her mother after her giving a birth to her second child, suddenly took a dislike to her, calls her bad names and treated her as a 'prodigal daughter'… Enough writing about. RIP. I feel so sorry for my indifference. I'll be praying for you.
23th Octorber 2011. 20:21
А short signal informed of the sms taken : 'Been outta range. It is all right. We still in one of towns 400 off Van area, as before we had decided not to hurry… Kisses.) '.
Prefix. Fix…
What about the possibility not just to read, but to feel this prefix as a real fact? If so, what would it be? What would be 'the prefix' as not a characters but something material , something real from which the course of events would be changed from positive to negative and vice versa?
I think all it definitely would be a tiny fact, a little event or insignificant thing that actually ( but we unaware about it) turns out to be a most important gear in all the chain of events. Something alike Bradbury's The butterfly Effect.
Sometimes the facet between what we feel - either positive or negative - so fuzzy that cannot be determined clear. It was always a puzzle to me how to discriminate what actually you feel more while you are feeling both the positive and the negative in one time…
I noticed I'm getting inclined to consider 'fatal days' or 'lucky days' in one's life cycle - what astrologers or numerologist are so insisting of – as something not quite supernatural, but way 'being determined by а time-space quantum precedence for a single observer', scientifically. It reminds a feeling of 'unaware dicer': you play without discriminating rolls, asking yourself of why all of it happens like that - i.e. you do what you do - and why all of it so differs from what you had thought before… thought of free will and destiny.
23th Octorber 2011. 10:20
The morning was fine. I knew that my daughter with her husband had flied to Turkey on Friday, to see places near a lake named Van.

23th October 2011.14:20
I knew from media, that a strong earthquake happened in eastern Turkey near the city Van. I give a phone call, another, third…In vain tried I to call her both by mobiles and voip, it was silence on the other side. I felt totally frustrated and my heart was bleeding…
23th October 2011.17:30
Keep ringing. The phones out of range.
23th Octorber 2011.20:30
My mobile rung and displayed an unknown number. What I was informed was quite other kind of information, aside of what happened in Turkey. It was a very sad new…
One person, a young woman I knew, died. Supposed to be a suicide. I feel shocked as no later than one month I saw her. I like her and always felt friendly to her.
By then I found her well, had a short talk to her; she smiled and seems alright…however, well I cautiously noted in myself, that her smile seems a kind more polite than usual, and her eyes this day seemed a bit sadden about someone or something… That day we had met each other in a public place as two passers-by; no long talk being meant. I was in hurry. Either, I suppose, she was. However, I felt inside while we started talking, she seemed to want me to stay me a little longer to keep talking. I felt it by then. Very probably she wanted to say to me of what she had been thinking all this time, but not yet decided to. I didn't know what and now will never know what it is…Now I feel angry for myself. If I only knew what is was – it might have been leading her to what she did - I'd try to reassure her + would help as much as I could. I had a good chance to stop it, at least to try to save a single human life! I really catching myself up of what the fool I am as just not to suppose the fact that she just might feel uneasy to talk to me about her troubles, yet obviously anticipating not to look as a bother - while I HAVING seen visibly something wrong with her was so dumbassedly tactless as to being a complete near-sighted idiot …Whether or not what happened, IS happened, helas. I still cannot believe it…She was a single mother of two children. A pretty, slim, a bit naïve young woman with big blue eyes. When I saw her last time I found her anorexic: I thought she is generally fine, but must have been excessively obsessed with a fat-fight idea fix, but in fact I got mistaken- it has been caused by other strictly psychological reasons like her environment and, partly, her own attitude to her life – I before had known her taking some things too hard. Later from one of her relatives, I had known the details that followed it. Well. Her first marriage was not happy. When she met her second husband she seemed absolutely happy. She loved that man sincerely and deeply, and wanted to have a child. But. The life maybe full of surprises. Unpleasant sometime… Her husband turned out to be a hard junkie . She previously had little known this fact - during 2 years of their family life, he had managed somehow to ably hide all the traces of his addiction. To time that she had it obvious, she got pregnant with 3 month kid. All this time all the money (both that had been spared + current) were leeched to the addiction – and he always lied her under various excuses where it goes for- up to the state of completely being out of cash to buy to herself a minimal foodstuffs to breastfeed a child in full . One day that man run away as she + children were outside. Next she knew was the fact he had a crime committed and was under recognizance not to leave. It was not the worse. The second was worse – he had a lot of debts, including big sums of money for 'business' loaned from the bank unofficially reputed as totally 'criminal' and 'mafia laundry'… So far, it is all that I know. Also I know that her mother after her giving a birth to her second child, suddenly took a dislike to her, calls her bad names and treated her as a 'prodigal daughter'… Enough writing about. RIP. I feel so sorry for my indifference. I'll be praying for you.
23th Octorber 2011. 20:21
А short signal informed of the sms taken : 'Been outta range. It is all right. We still in one of towns 400 off Van area, as before we had decided not to hurry… Kisses.) '.