
Grace vs Mr. Smith, II

'Grace' means both female name and human virtue. Once, thinking if Grace weren't the same, stayed unchanged, and the events in the story hadn't got the turn when she reaches a critical mass in her suffering and became a rebel + her father found her in exactly ' right time' – I supposed then: what would it be and how would be changed her environment, by these circumstances? As a matter of fact, by these unchanged conditions, the Grace's story would have been ended up with a total uncertainty – as no any logical issue is foreseen out of it. Very probably, she would have died of moral and physical humiliation, or commited a suicide, or - well, got mutated into one of Dogville's species.

The key moment of the story is, when Grace, after having experienced her own Disgrace, got enlightened, then came to the idea – like a Neo that have finally got an ability to see the Matirx code – of she is totally 'other', and they all are human-shaped walking aliens that mentally+ ethically are living in their own dimension while, physically, are in the same like her – whatever any one do to be usually kind and gentle toward them, it'd ultimately be a bug in their code processing: they'll have an ability to read a message, but surely unable to understand it. Any attempt to reassure, explain or suggest your own chain of logical motives will be prognostically falllacious. It's like to pray a virus not to be a virus. Or tells gnat not to suck blood – yes, it would, hypothetically, but it it'd be a nature deviation and, in this case, it will definitely die.

If you look at Grace from this angle of view, you would understand that striking irony in her story is not that Grace became willingly disgraceful out of revenge, but, very probably through self-preservation lest should be one of such zombies – as BY THEN, after meeting with his as-God-almighty father, she finally had come to the idea of being impossible to stay graceful and humble here, even if she does her best - in any case it'd be falsely interpreted. So, as they are all had become kinda viruses using a form of human values and concepts, deliberately misuse it = deviate everything that is love, grace, mercy etc. - in what that human beings are similar to God– so they even more dangerous that sincere evil-doers, making bad deeds in open. That's why nothing good will come out of them –

God had died in Dogville many years ago - instead Him, all this time a God-simulation program had been working – in order not to split mind of the inhabitants of the village.

In the final 'Matrix' sequel, Neo having finally understood that Matrix is more a physical fact that an opponents to humans ( as it virtually turned out to be a parasite on humans, to survive; although humans are enslaved, but still alive) - as before, as wholly AI self-aware mind, it had an awareness of its own being. God of humans had died in human minds, - One as a product of Matrix simulation appeared as a true and real for blue pills drinkers, but became surrogate for all who had preferred drinking red pills.

Neo, on the eve his final battle, had a face to face talk to Matrix, to stop Smith as it ( i.e. Smith) is going to be alter-Matrix , yet carries nothing except destruction both to humans and machines. So, in order to save the world, Neo wanted Matrix to be an ally. But before, he got blind. Must be in order no to discriminate what deception physical world would conceal.

Dogville is, allegorically, a sophisticated system of deployment code of Matrix into a fictional platform + time and space. So, by example of this place, it seems to be like an 'insideout Marix' – need no more to deliver world of machines, as before all the people had already became the machines running Matrix-suggested processes and living their emulative realities on. Any one whose code is other as one of these, became a 'battery' and will be used + disgraced like Grace. But. No human is able to destroy machines as good as another machine that exceeds it in might. It can be other-code-Matrix-like system. If you want to win, you should ask it for help= be a part of other evil, to fight a bigger one. So the prodigal daughter is back to his almighty god-with-machine-guns Father, to terminate the bunch of rootkits, to get a part of other viruses, as a price in change.

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