
The Next After Shopping

This story happened with me a week ago in one of Russian malls. After I have parked a car, I saw another car parking nearby. The couple came out – a man of approximately 35-40 years and a woman of visibly younger age. We came almost simultaneously in, then go to a cloakroom.

Later, I saw them in one of shops with the cart stuffed almost up to the top with various things, 2/3 of which – as I noticed – were of female fashion. The man looked like a typical white collar. He was slightly overweighted, dressed in a expensive suit. He seems to me a bit nervy as he was constantly interrupted with phone calls. He replied the rings in a loud voice, spoken snatchy and quickly. After putting the mobile back into a pocket, he sighted and muttered something. She also seems nervy – whether on the fact of his speaking too much over the mobile or by other reason. I should note that this young woman looked a real smasher like a cover girl or top fashion model – she stood out in a crowd and was pretty eye-catching: many of the mall visitors looked at her fixedly (especially males) behind her as she was dressed tight and sexy.

I met the couple next – a true coincidence – then after about 2-hours shopping me and they were going back to our cars. Their car stood side by side to mine. It was snowfall. I started the engine, took a brush then gone outside to sweep the snow.
I could hear a loud talk gradually getting more and more impulsive:

'– Stop it, stop it for Christ's sake, Alina! I've a hard day. I feel zonked. Ya'd asked me a day ago for it ( * shopping, as I suppose* ) and I said 'fine'! I hoped it'd be fine but ya can hear my phone ringing whole the day and guys telling me of some unforeseen things happened. The chief wants me in the office right now!
– Oh, yeah-
– What the hell ya don't believe me?
– A month ago we were at a restaurant when your ex (* ex-wife, I suppose*) gave you a call, then you run to her without thinking long. I've been waiting for that day whole the year, but you didn't care a damn!
– It was car accident, Alina! She is mother of my son. Don't ya see the f…… difference!
– You did promise it me! Now I see you told me a lie! I work in media and I told you I am in need of this stuff. You said: 'well lets wait 40% discount in order I'd spare some money, then I'll buy this Mac for you, promise.' Today is the last day when the discount available. If you'd told me 'no' by then, I'd have borrowed some money to buy it myself!
– Don't push me! What d'ya want from me? Want me calling to my boss: sorry, I can't be right now 'cause Alina wants me to stay here to get f…. Mac at a discount, eh? What about I'd be fired? If you'd thought first of our income – you know well that's on mine and all I do for you, I do it due to my job – you'd think twice before speak words like these. Look, I suppose I'd be another discount to X-mass, so we'd get this Mac.
– What the f…. you are! You promised me you never reproach me with my small income! You do it again!
– I'm sorry.
– F….! You do it constantly like a f…. scrooge! - *she grew furious*
– Sorry, Alina. I feel headache and feel nervy. I must be going immediately. Please. Please don't speak any thing, or-
– Or what? When I'd met you two years ago I left my husband for you 'cause I believed you!
– What d'ya mean?
– I mean I deal with the piece of shit – a liar irresponsible for words told to woman he loves!'
After her words, he opened his mouth and starred at her about 10 seconds. Then without speaking a single word turned around, came up to the boot, opened it – then started throwing all the things that had been been bought 2 hours earlier out of it right on the asphalt. Closed it. Went back to the driver sit. Slammed the door. And got away.
I feel a little bit too shocked. I came to the woman, that was looked both confused and irritated on what happened.
– Can I help you?
– No.
She lighted a cigarette. Then began to dial a cell phone.

I came up to my car. I caught myself up that I had seen it before, something alike. Deja vu. Just in that case the result was more tragic, and in that situation both them were guilty in various degree – she probably in 30 as conflict monger, and he – as completely affected by the stress psycho unable to control himself, in 70% .
It was 'Jackie Brown'. A mall scene.

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