
Cryptoanarchy, Sleeping

In ' Matrix', amongst the rebels, was a hero with the nick 'Cipher', that , while his being in the anti-Matrix environment, bore a strangely self-speaking pro-Matrix name. ( Strange, DOES it mean generally that cypher as a bearer of informaiton more competitive, in syntax context, than word ?) I believe it had been especially invented by authors for bearing the double meaning. Also, his name so close to word 'safer', by ear. 'Safe' for Cipher must have been meant 'be virtually safe of the real world which I live in'. He preferred to disappear as human being carrying an unique real code of self- awareness and become a namely 'cipher' in the world of simulation as part of numerous programs that Matrix creates.
As a part of the deal, Cipher was to be a 'backdoor agent' in order to let Matrix use his body for evil deeds against Zion's defenders.

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