Johann: Психоанализ
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About a month ago, I suddenly found the theme on the Net, – it was located in one of US redneck sites, - to public (and most sarcastic) discussion of calling "bitching" a problem of everyday life. I thought then: is it kind of "leaves" of sociopathy, or strictly gender approach to call so one of oddities of female behavior, clear due to male point of view ? If the last, being a "bitch" is becoming so attractive to women, mostly for young and ambitious. Or may it, also, be a result of previous ill treatment of women unlucky in love experience?
Being a "bitch" means being unscrupulous, quarrelsome woman, that can be an actress, in order to masterly manipulate you out of her strictly selfish considerations. And this lifestyle, seems, popular…

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That's why demotivational posters like one above grow more popular not only in redneck minds. What's more, not only in those of males! On that site, I was pretty surprised by the fact that a half of supporting of the motto comments had been done by women. These ones were like "well, it serves her right!" , "a really bitch should be treated like that…", "if you are whore, get it!" , "your husband working hard for a wife, not for a bitch".
It seems, sociopathy is not always caused by aggression. But much of aggression consequently goes out of sociopathy. No matter that arguments to justfy such a behavior can be far-fetched. Far more important that roots of it are very deep, sometimes going into childhood. Something was marked like “unpleasant sign” in someone's memory, then it accompanied his or her psychical trauma over the time of life . These signs are just “hyperlinks” leading to “site of our unconsciousness” that shows what and how it was. Actually it was really bad, unpleasant or painful by then… Many years after, it is enough to see a tiny sign of this kind to him or her, to get instantly furious and insane. Reaction of such sociopath may be triggered by any thing – smell, color of you jacket, too loud or pitched laughter, etc.
Here is one of classical examples, Tony Soprano.
Here is one of classical examples, Tony Soprano.
It was in Moscow. In the morning, one of my friends told me, suffering with hard hangover (cause his wife had run away) that started feeling a smth. strange inside, like: “ One day half way my home I saw a man pissing at the wall. He was pretty drunk. Normally, any time as I saw this crap, I could pass these people by with no more than “ complete schmucks” in my head. But right now I feel so angry as to attack him, hit him or even kill him… That man was a dwarf. Generally, I friendly and compassionate to wee men, as well to every one who's born with physical disorders. But now I DO feel exactly the anger on the fact that I see drunk and immodest wee man, and he was smirking and holding his dick, face to me. I felt disgust at him and was about to pick up the brick to hit this f***… Later, after coming home, I realized that I could do this. And I was afraid of losing my control. And now I am afraid it may happpen once again.”
My daughther asked me today "dad , is a fear of death is deadly or permissible sin in someone's personality… well, like me. I am young enough. Unlike you.” I got caught up in the confusion, then smirked: “ What the hell you think so…. or you think I look undad?"
Sometimes I think the stuff like : In no time all the people got irreparable net geeks and grew exibitionists badly demented on socialization" in the same proportion as 1 to 3, 2/3 of which are actually suffering lack of love and mercy+ feel intentional dishonesty in real lives. People had enough of everyday routine, would-be optimistic, any wouldbe sexually obsessed. Wasting time to the end of their job duties online, is a rule. Even in off-duty time.) So “ if you have nothing to say now, just go and write about it in your blog” attitude is nothing, but a classical neurosis by Freud.
Long before, I believed social networks to be a leech marketing – the more commercial guys with "need-to-be-higher-in-google ranking" motto + banner makers suggest you that you are highly welcome, the more you feel exhausted and vampirized, say, to prove the opposite
Long before, I believed social networks to be a leech marketing – the more commercial guys with "need-to-be-higher-in-google ranking" motto + banner makers suggest you that you are highly welcome, the more you feel exhausted and vampirized, say, to prove the opposite
Ideally ( much networks give you not a really private spot to be private, in order to be at least wannabe introvert) you feel you need some self-encryption to be free of buzzing flood, spontaneous comments, spanky flamers and peeping toms and janes… Now I have far more understood the fact why other language than your mother one, is a tool to write like Marcus Aurelius, ad se ipsum. He did it in Greek. Medieval people did in Latin. Russian aristocracy did it in French…In short, it is exactly a surrogate self-encryption, imho. Turning you ideas in other semantic area is a way "crypto"…
I hardly believe if Jeeves lived now, he wrote his blog on the Net like some friggin' net exhibitionist would in Facebook or Twitter threads . Rather, he would have done on paper, way a notebook – elegant, skinny cover with golden fridges. Every day, with flunky accuracy. I think he would surely write it in evenings, at his table under green or yellow lamp above. No details, no embellishment, perfect spelling. No self-PR or self-frying. No loud sound, no look-at-me attitude.
Jeeves' simulator , Stephen Fry, far gone blogging: he does it badly interactive to public evaluation. It may be a good sample as for differences between your net RPG , kinda indicator of your self-appraisal mirrored in readers' attitude, and who you are inside of your self, without it.
Jeeves' simulator , Stephen Fry, far gone blogging: he does it badly interactive to public evaluation. It may be a good sample as for differences between your net RPG , kinda indicator of your self-appraisal mirrored in readers' attitude, and who you are inside of your self, without it.
True diary is private. No matter how was it written , which way, what style or what language – you write it for yourself and only, not for others. I can be leaked into any stuff, from ragged paper to expensive notebook.
True diary is monoactive, not interactive.
True diary is monoactive, not interactive.