
Sometimes I think

Sometimes I think the stuff like : In no time all the people got irreparable net geeks and grew exibitionists badly demented on socialization" in the same proportion as 1 to 3, 2/3 of which are actually suffering lack of love and mercy+ feel intentional dishonesty in real lives. People had enough of everyday routine, would-be optimistic, any wouldbe sexually obsessed. Wasting time to the end of their job duties online, is a rule. Even in off-duty time.) So “ if you have nothing to say now, just go and write about it in your blog” attitude is nothing, but a classical neurosis by Freud.
Long before, I believed social networks to be a leech marketing – the more commercial guys with "need-to-be-higher-in-google ranking" motto + banner makers suggest you that you are highly welcome, the more you feel exhausted and vampirized, say, to prove the opposite

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