
Sociopathy, roots

It was in Moscow. In the morning, one of my friends told me, suffering with hard hangover (cause his wife had run away) that started feeling a smth. strange inside, like: “ One day half way my home I saw a man pissing at the wall. He was pretty drunk. Normally, any time as I saw this crap, I could pass these people by with no more than “ complete schmucks” in my head. But right now I feel so angry as to attack him, hit him or even kill him… That man was a dwarf. Generally, I friendly and compassionate to wee men, as well to every one who's born with physical disorders. But now I DO feel exactly the anger on the fact that I see drunk and immodest wee man, and he was smirking and holding his dick, face to me. I felt disgust at him and was about to pick up the brick to hit this f***… Later, after coming home, I realized that I could do this. And I was afraid of losing my control. And now I am afraid it may happpen once again.”

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