
If Jeeves were Johann...

I hardly believe if Jeeves lived now, he wrote his blog on the Net like some friggin' net exhibitionist would in Facebook or Twitter threads . Rather, he would have done on paper, way a notebook – elegant, skinny cover with golden fridges. Every day, with flunky accuracy. I think he would surely write it in evenings, at his table under green or yellow lamp above. No details, no embellishment, perfect spelling. No self-PR or self-frying. No loud sound, no look-at-me attitude.
Jeeves' simulator , Stephen Fry, far gone blogging: he does it badly interactive to public evaluation. It may be a good sample as for differences between your net RPG , kinda indicator of your self-appraisal mirrored in readers' attitude, and who you are inside of your self, without it.

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