Tables placed in lines inside of a vast working space without walls, where many low-level officials like bees in a hive, doing monotonous work – one can see the same gesture and countenance + lots of noise emitted with the same devices – often it all archetypicaly taken as good 'red tape' cliché in impersonated pictures like these.
Speaking of a hive implies the mention of 3 types of the insects programmed ( genetically) to do what they are to - the workers ( which are the main gross receipt makers for needs of the hive), the queen ( who is mainly a reproduction machine, then next due to the main destination, a real 'queen of bees' as an object endowed with the royal-like attribution. The drones, finally, are species whose function are to copulate with the queen. In this respect, the term 'office drone' that seemed to appeared in 90s to definite low-level office workers with touch of irony , very possible should mean - ( at it goes to natural drones analogy) - the same procreative functions. So what is to be meant as the queen? The corporation, allegorically. If not CEO's brain directly.)
Cubicle is a particular working place that consists of 3 partitions and 1 common corridor. The cubicle was created by designer Robert Propst in 1967 to multi-personnel companies needs wanted to make office work more effective. The main yet, IMO, most logically inscrutable feature of the cubicle is it can both secure of illusion of visible privacy, while not really being like that as such. To be allegoric, it is like a cluster in a hard drive that both is totally private as a single bearer of any single info, and common as for data availability, as was made just to share it with other clusters.

Speaking of a hive implies the mention of 3 types of the insects programmed ( genetically) to do what they are to - the workers ( which are the main gross receipt makers for needs of the hive), the queen ( who is mainly a reproduction machine, then next due to the main destination, a real 'queen of bees' as an object endowed with the royal-like attribution. The drones, finally, are species whose function are to copulate with the queen. In this respect, the term 'office drone' that seemed to appeared in 90s to definite low-level office workers with touch of irony , very possible should mean - ( at it goes to natural drones analogy) - the same procreative functions. So what is to be meant as the queen? The corporation, allegorically. If not CEO's brain directly.)

Cubicle is a particular working place that consists of 3 partitions and 1 common corridor. The cubicle was created by designer Robert Propst in 1967 to multi-personnel companies needs wanted to make office work more effective. The main yet, IMO, most logically inscrutable feature of the cubicle is it can both secure of illusion of visible privacy, while not really being like that as such. To be allegoric, it is like a cluster in a hard drive that both is totally private as a single bearer of any single info, and common as for data availability, as was made just to share it with other clusters.